WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.900 D20 CEC20: The April 2023 Cec. 20 calendar meeting. 2 00:00:09.030 --> 00:00:11.350 I'll call the meeting to order at 60'clock. 3 00:00:12.430 --> 00:00:16.160 D20 CEC20: Vita, Can you take roll call? 4 00:00:16.780 --> 00:00:19.110 vito Labella: I was expecting Kevin to do that. 5 00:00:24.310 --> 00:00:25.740 D20 CEC20: You, me, somebody 6 00:00:30.980 --> 00:00:35.580 D20 CEC20: hold on 1 s here, technically. How can I hear you 7 00:00:35.810 --> 00:00:39.580 D20 CEC20: Sorry, Bear with us? We're just getting the technology worked out there. 8 00:00:39.690 --> 00:00:40.990 vito Labella: Can you hear me, Steve? 9 00:00:44.710 --> 00:00:46.350 D20 CEC20: And you do. Roll? Call me now. 10 00:00:56.560 --> 00:00:59.260 D20 CEC20: you know. 11 00:01:08.750 --> 00:01:10.100 But you can hear me speak right. 12 00:01:13.880 --> 00:01:14.820 D20 CEC20: right. 13 00:01:20.780 --> 00:01:22.000 vito Labella: Steve. Can you hear me. 14 00:01:24.240 --> 00:01:25.660 vito Labella: Steve? Can you hear me? 15 00:01:30.280 --> 00:01:31.630 vito Labella: Can you hear me, Steve? 16 00:01:31.910 --> 00:01:33.580 William Chin: Yeah. 17 00:01:33.700 --> 00:01:34.590 vito Labella: Thank you. 18 00:01:37.790 --> 00:01:39.920 D20 CEC20: Can you take a tenance, or do you like Kevin to do it. 19 00:01:40.250 --> 00:01:43.790 vito Labella: If Kevin's there. That's great. I have it here in front of me. I can do it. 20 00:01:47.610 --> 00:01:51.790 D20 CEC20: We we, as our recording secretary, we yeah appreciate 21 00:01:51.940 --> 00:01:55.350 vito Labella: no worries no worries. President Steve Stowe. 22 00:01:56.240 --> 00:01:58.200 D20 CEC20: Yeah. Here. 23 00:01:59.120 --> 00:02:00.940 vito Labella: Vice President Jennifer, who 24 00:02:01.060 --> 00:02:02.160 D20 CEC20: here? 25 00:02:03.260 --> 00:02:05.180 vito Labella: Second Vice President of the Chan. 26 00:02:07.790 --> 00:02:10.330 vito Labella: Anyone virtual or 27 00:02:12.460 --> 00:02:16.780 vito Labella: okay, we'll come back 28 00:02:21.120 --> 00:02:22.140 Marie Brugueras: present. 29 00:02:22.690 --> 00:02:26.160 vito Labella: Thank you Council members got it I mean 30 00:02:29.350 --> 00:02:30.930 vito Labella: Virtual or 31 00:02:32.120 --> 00:02:33.510 vito Labella: Li Ping-jang. 32 00:02:34.710 --> 00:02:37.630 vito Labella: Yeah. Hi, everyone. 33 00:02:38.320 --> 00:02:39.780 vito Labella: Mya rosenblatt 34 00:02:43.580 --> 00:02:44.510 vito Labella: Maya 35 00:02:46.130 --> 00:02:47.480 vito Labella: and Kevin's out 36 00:02:50.280 --> 00:02:51.120 vito Labella: Kevin 37 00:02:52.450 --> 00:02:53.600 D20 CEC20: It's on driving 38 00:02:54.210 --> 00:02:54.860 Okay. 39 00:02:54.980 --> 00:02:59.890 D20 CEC20: he's on the way. It's all yours. Thank you. 40 00:03:00.390 --> 00:03:02.860 Jona Isufi: I am here to I 41 00:03:03.020 --> 00:03:04.360 vito Labella: yona 42 00:03:05.140 --> 00:03:09.020 Jona Isufi: presence. Thank you. 43 00:03:10.020 --> 00:03:11.780 D20 CEC20: If you have a you call got it. 44 00:03:12.010 --> 00:03:15.250 vito Labella: I called God If she's here now. God is not here. 45 00:03:17.690 --> 00:03:20.700 vito Labella: Got it is She is anybody there with you, Steve. 46 00:03:21.890 --> 00:03:23.520 D20 CEC20: The choices here. 47 00:03:23.590 --> 00:03:27.270 vito Labella: Okay. So no, we'll keep an eye out for God. 48 00:03:28.180 --> 00:03:29.360 D20 CEC20: Okay, thanks. 49 00:03:31.750 --> 00:03:39.710 D20 CEC20: Before we begin, we would just like to make a few administrative announcements at the end of tonight's meeting. We will have a public speaking session 50 00:03:39.720 --> 00:03:52.770 D20 CEC20: for anyone who would like to sign up for public speaking. You can do so on the a link to the form on the Cec website, and our administrative assistant will also post the link in the chat. 51 00:03:53.580 --> 00:04:04.500 D20 CEC20: We also have interpretation here with us tonight in Arabic, Spanish, and Mandarin. We will now allow those interpreters to introduce themselves and give them 52 00:04:04.500 --> 00:04:14.320 D20 CEC20: for anyone requiring interpretation services for tonight's meeting, so could we start with our 53 00:05:03.670 --> 00:05:09.450 Arabic Interpreter - Maged Mikhail: there and shoot back on hashtag. Arabic announcement is completed. 54 00:05:10.900 --> 00:05:11.720 Thank you. 55 00:05:11.970 --> 00:05:15.550 D20 CEC20: Could our mandarin interpreters please introduce yourselves? 56 00:05:47.560 --> 00:05:52.550 Thank you. And could our Spanish interpreter please introduce yourself 57 00:06:17.590 --> 00:06:20.460 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: based in those days Yep. 58 00:06:33.360 --> 00:06:35.150 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: Also 59 00:06:45.850 --> 00:06:49.060 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: think of it the way they spent the safe 60 00:06:59.440 --> 00:07:01.100 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: Spanish introduction complete. 61 00:07:02.790 --> 00:07:04.500 Thank you so much. 62 00:07:05.660 --> 00:07:10.020 Okay. just a reminder, because we have interpretation. 63 00:07:10.140 --> 00:07:17.760 D20 CEC20: If everyone can try, do their best to speak carefully and slower than usual throughout the meeting. 64 00:07:17.770 --> 00:07:20.400 D20 CEC20: The please try and do that. 65 00:07:21.940 --> 00:07:30.380 D20 CEC20: Okay. I will now go over the agenda for the night. We're very pleased to be here at 66 00:07:30.560 --> 00:07:37.560 D20 CEC20: Jhs 223, the monarch principal, Andrew Frank, and we'll say a few words in just a moment. 67 00:07:37.690 --> 00:07:41.750 Can you share the agenda, please? 68 00:07:42.080 --> 00:07:42.870 D20 CEC20: Yeah. 69 00:07:49.660 --> 00:08:12.390 D20 CEC20: So the agenda for tonight's meeting there will be principal. Frank will make a few brief comments. Then we will go to the report from Superintendent Dr. David Cutout, our report of Council President. We'll have Councilmember Jon, at Sufi. Provide an update on the work she's doing with the Dore citywide Bonus Advisory Council. 70 00:08:13.430 --> 00:08:34.350 D20 CEC20: We'll have the public speaking session. There's one I don't know just, but we're going to now potentially add to the agenda was a resolution that was introduced yesterday, and Cec. Bylaws require us to make. If a resolution is introduced, less than 24 h require a a vote to add it to the agenda. 71 00:08:34.350 --> 00:08:41.970 D20 CEC20: So I just want to quickly take a vote. On adding that to the agenda i'll pull up the resolution. 72 00:08:42.450 --> 00:08:49.200 D20 CEC20: I'll share my screen. You can stop sharing. I have it. Oh, you do awesome! Thank you. So the rest of the solution is one on the the 73 00:08:49.240 --> 00:08:59.960 D20 CEC20: a member of our elected one of our elected officials in just 20. Lester Chang has a bill that would call for modifications to the class size law. 74 00:08:59.960 --> 00:09:17.680 D20 CEC20: We've talked about the class size law a bit in in recent weeks and months since it passed, and the implications it would have for District 20 and a lot of that is still to be determined. But one thing that we know for sure is that district 20 is a very over private district 75 00:09:17.680 --> 00:09:35.800 D20 CEC20: and District County also has a number of large classes for academically advanced students, and this ill would provide a little more flexibility for both of those to address both of those issues. This the bill that Assembly Member Chang, has 76 00:09:35.880 --> 00:09:41.120 D20 CEC20: as currently in the State Assembly, is to delay the implementation of the law. 77 00:09:41.120 --> 00:09:55.980 D20 CEC20: and also to allow exemption on the caps for classes that are what we've defined in here as academically advanced classes. It's good and talented academic screening programs 78 00:09:55.980 --> 00:10:08.410 D20 CEC20: advanced place in classes in high school. That's that's in the bill. It doesn't affect us in front of high school. But but that's the gist of the bill. So this resolution is just a very simple resolution of support for still 79 00:10:08.910 --> 00:10:18.840 D20 CEC20: title. Ao, 4 8 8 9, and I won't. Get into too much. I won't say any more about that, but just a motion to add it to the agenda. Is there a motion to add it to the agenda 80 00:10:19.370 --> 00:10:21.590 following the public speaking session 81 00:10:25.770 --> 00:10:31.840 D20 CEC20: motion to add to the agenda. Thank you. Is there a second? 82 00:10:33.040 --> 00:10:41.060 Thank you. Can we just take a roll call? Vote to add this bill to the agenda of the meeting, or add this resolution to the agenda. 83 00:10:42.240 --> 00:10:44.320 Maya Rozenblat: My, it doesn't blood for it. 84 00:10:45.510 --> 00:10:47.550 D20 CEC20: Say that again. 85 00:10:48.090 --> 00:10:51.470 Maya Rozenblat: it's my i'm for it. I'm in. 86 00:10:52.420 --> 00:10:59.530 Maya Rozenblat: Okay, and this is just to add it to the agenda. We're not actually voting on it. It's Hi, my! We've got. 87 00:10:59.560 --> 00:11:01.890 vito Labella: Do you want to take a 88 00:11:02.370 --> 00:11:06.990 D20 CEC20: please someone, you know, if you can. As for current Secretary, that'd be great. 89 00:11:10.890 --> 00:11:13.070 D20 CEC20: they say Yes, add it to the agenda. 90 00:11:15.190 --> 00:11:18.620 vito Labella: Vice President Jennifer, Hugh. Yes. 91 00:11:21.300 --> 00:11:23.480 vito Labella: second vice President Elizabeth Chan. 92 00:11:24.400 --> 00:11:25.330 Yes. 93 00:11:27.720 --> 00:11:30.740 vito Labella: Reporting Secretary Vietnamese. 94 00:11:40.970 --> 00:11:42.930 vito Labella: You gotta get here yet. 95 00:11:43.230 --> 00:11:44.680 D20 CEC20: No. 96 00:11:45.940 --> 00:11:47.510 vito Labella: Yona is Sufi. 97 00:11:48.650 --> 00:11:49.280 Jona Isufi: Yeah. 98 00:11:51.560 --> 00:11:52.860 vito Labella: Li Ping Yang. 99 00:11:53.400 --> 00:11:54.520 liping jiang: Yes. 100 00:11:58.390 --> 00:12:00.510 vito Labella: Maya, we got you as a. Yes. 101 00:12:02.160 --> 00:12:03.260 vito Labella: Joyce 102 00:12:06.250 --> 00:12:07.220 vito Labella: Joyce. 103 00:12:07.900 --> 00:12:08.690 D20 CEC20: Yes. 104 00:12:08.750 --> 00:12:09.500 vito Labella: yes. 105 00:12:10.530 --> 00:12:12.760 vito Labella: And did Kevin get here? Is Kevin there yet? 106 00:12:14.850 --> 00:12:15.700 Kevin Zhao: I'm Here. 107 00:12:15.710 --> 00:12:17.540 vito Labella: Kevin. Hello! I got you. 108 00:12:17.790 --> 00:12:19.990 vito Labella: Do you want to vote to put this in. 109 00:12:20.540 --> 00:12:21.900 Kevin Zhao: Yup. Please go ahead. 110 00:12:23.520 --> 00:12:24.660 Kevin Zhao: I say Yes. 111 00:12:25.380 --> 00:12:26.500 vito Labella: thank you. 112 00:12:29.560 --> 00:12:31.080 vito Labella: Yes, it carries 113 00:12:31.440 --> 00:12:33.800 D20 CEC20: awesome great, so that will be added to the agenda. 114 00:12:35.460 --> 00:12:39.680 D20 CEC20: We will now turn over to Principal Frank to 115 00:12:42.200 --> 00:13:00.680 D20 CEC20: actually, before we do that. I I just want to know a few of our guests who are here tonight, as always, we're joined by the district, the superintendent, Dr. Kreta. We have the deputy superintendent, Joseph O'brien. With us we have family leadership Coordinator real Chin and we support coordinator, Sylvia Jacinski. 116 00:13:00.840 --> 00:13:19.480 D20 CEC20: You see, in the attendance we also have sitting in for Csa Representative Jane Kapatakis is Lisa Hernandez and I Don't know if there's that area here tonight. 117 00:13:19.500 --> 00:13:21.070 and then I 118 00:13:24.300 --> 00:13:24.970 is Mike. 119 00:13:25.040 --> 00:13:26.280 D20 CEC20: you and speakers on. 120 00:13:26.340 --> 00:13:49.820 D20 CEC20: Can I see a number of elected official representatives here with us tonight, Tony? I'm sorry, Kyan. Your last name is challenging for me. They're Tony poorer from Justin Brandon's offices here, I believe it's a Meyer Yeden from Senator Andy Grannis's office Giovanni peaquant from Councilmember. Rita Joseph's office is here. 121 00:13:49.820 --> 00:13:51.780 and I 122 00:13:52.020 --> 00:13:58.080 D20 CEC20: apologize. If I miss anyone, and and if anyone is here for an elected 123 00:13:58.210 --> 00:14:01.530 D20 CEC20: representing an elected official, please 124 00:14:01.620 --> 00:14:11.080 D20 CEC20: let us know. And also please keep in mind our legislative breakfast next April 20 next Thursday, April 20, seventh, at 9 am. If you haven't already ours. Repeat. 125 00:14:11.440 --> 00:14:24.750 D20 CEC20: Okay. So with that being said, now, i'll turn it over to Principal Frank to make some introductory comments. That's right. Oh, thank you. So the evening. I'm cute for future 20, My English, as you get from. 126 00:14:26.090 --> 00:14:35.310 Okay. My name is Andrew Frank, Principal of Montgomery to High School. We are pleased to host this Month's CC. Meeting. 127 00:14:35.330 --> 00:14:39.290 D20 CEC20: I was asked to say a few things about highlight, a few 128 00:14:39.740 --> 00:14:53.500 D20 CEC20: things that we're doing here at Montalk, and we're very excited that if you can see what I can see, you'd be very happy after 3 and a half years. The scaffolding is coming off the building so we can see 129 00:14:55.060 --> 00:15:05.790 D20 CEC20: it's very noticeable. The classrooms of writer and the kids and the teachers notice. So we're very happy to have the scaffolding coming down. It's not complete, but it's a work in progress. 130 00:15:06.320 --> 00:15:17.420 D20 CEC20: Some of the things that we've been doing over the last couple of months and things that we highlight here at Montalk. We have a green team, and with the Green team we have 131 00:15:17.970 --> 00:15:22.360 D20 CEC20: created or worked with the Trust for Public land. 132 00:15:22.390 --> 00:15:39.410 D20 CEC20: and we're going to have our school yard. Read them, and we will actually have a playground and sustainable schoolyard. And we're gonna connect the outdoors with the classroom student. They'll be planters. There'll be classrooms based outside, and we'll be able to. Students will be able to 133 00:15:39.410 --> 00:15:46.250 D20 CEC20: work outside and get back to our old Glory in 2,018. When we had a gardening club. 134 00:15:46.660 --> 00:15:50.190 D20 CEC20: So that's from the trust of public land, the 135 00:15:50.200 --> 00:16:02.540 D20 CEC20: schools solar schools for sustainability. We are actually not the scaffolding and believing they're going to have a solar roof, and it's a 136 00:16:03.130 --> 00:16:13.970 D20 CEC20: we'll provide obviously needed electricity for the school, and also we were told that to get and leave some space for us to create a green space on the roof as well. 137 00:16:15.610 --> 00:16:16.310 D20 CEC20: Okay. 138 00:16:18.670 --> 00:16:33.450 D20 CEC20: this is just some pictures of our students that are part of the our green team. You can see that grow Tower and those those of you we have present when you walked in. We sort of grow towers throughout the school. We have like offices and classrooms. 139 00:16:33.450 --> 00:16:48.230 D20 CEC20: and every couple of weeks the teachers and the students harvest the vegetables that they have grown mainly lettuce and herbs that they've grown. They can come to their families, and they share. It's been delicious. The days has been the best so far. 140 00:16:50.690 --> 00:17:02.930 This is a picture from 2,018. As you can see, this was our gardening club. Basically, this is what we hope to get back to where the students can get outside and connect the classroom to outdoor space. 141 00:17:06.640 --> 00:17:31.450 D20 CEC20: On May seventh we will have our second annual third, Adam. Excuse me our third annual, mon, 12, 5, K. And that'll take a place on the day Reduce promenade. Starting at Caesar Bay last year, we have approximately 150 runners, so we encourage anybody from community school district to come out. Bring a friend, bring some family members. We go for a nice sunny day, and 142 00:17:31.500 --> 00:17:35.910 D20 CEC20: we'll get some exercise and and socialize a little bit. 143 00:17:39.070 --> 00:17:52.940 D20 CEC20: A more mystic trip run by Mr. Benini in the slack 2 of our science teachers. This is when we take 50 students to mystic seaport and students and the teachers to 2 night overnight trip. 144 00:17:52.940 --> 00:18:04.090 D20 CEC20: where the students sleep on a historic sailing vessel, they learn about railing. They actually grow an actual railing ship. 145 00:18:04.170 --> 00:18:12.100 D20 CEC20: They work with the rigging, and they do a lot of team building and camaraderie on that trip as well. 146 00:18:15.550 --> 00:18:17.940 On the fifteenth of 147 00:18:18.620 --> 00:18:37.630 D20 CEC20: may, I believe we have Matthew Pierce, who's from NASA the office of stand engagement, and he will be here to speak to all of our students in assemblies, and when each student leads on that day they will receive a STEM. Kit pictured something like they'll say if it's related to keys and code 148 00:18:37.630 --> 00:18:44.800 D20 CEC20: kits, all students will receive a kit, and which will have to do with some kind of STEM project. 149 00:18:47.010 --> 00:18:58.260 D20 CEC20: Shaming Science Day is another one of our highlights in the spring. On May twentieth we have partnerships with Stan Adams Zoo, the tent of the gardens of the American society's single engineers. 150 00:18:58.260 --> 00:19:14.760 D20 CEC20: and what we do is we in the past. We've had over a 100 families come, and we have experiments. We have presentations from the Zoo in the big mechanical gardens. We highlight our pretty 3D printing program, our robotics and other 151 00:19:14.920 --> 00:19:17.350 D20 CEC20: yeah, the school programs that we have here in my home. 152 00:19:19.610 --> 00:19:38.520 D20 CEC20: This is something that with yonder, if you can see that. And if you're able to click on that link, the surge in general talks about how kids under 14 should not be on so social media. Yeah, under is something that started within the entertainment business. And if you can see that cell phone is in a patch. 153 00:19:38.520 --> 00:19:44.420 D20 CEC20: and what we're going to do is to cut back on students using their cell phones during the school day 154 00:19:44.450 --> 00:19:50.230 D20 CEC20: That pouch is magnetized and the student slips in there. Their phone 155 00:19:50.250 --> 00:20:02.540 D20 CEC20: they hit against the magnet. It locks for the day, and they hold their phone with them on their person. So there's no separation anxiety for the students. They're not worried about someone holding their phone other than themselves. 156 00:20:02.560 --> 00:20:16.520 D20 CEC20: We're going to get that going at the end of next week, so we're excited about that. We hope we have great success. The teachers are all on board, or they're rolled out to students and the parents in the coming weeks. 157 00:20:16.520 --> 00:20:23.810 D20 CEC20: and we hope that if any other school in tissue 20 would like to stay in action after we get it up and run. You're always welcome to come, but 158 00:20:24.290 --> 00:20:38.940 D20 CEC20: we we feel it's. It's time that the cell phones are locked away for the day, and this is a good product, and we've seen in action. And over schools we went to visit. We're very happy with it, and we're going to roll it out in the next couple of weeks. 159 00:20:42.390 --> 00:21:07.520 Alright, that's what I have to say, Thank you, Mr. Cohen: yeah, thank you. That was great. A couple of questions. The the trust for public. Yes. Can you just briefly tell me what is that organization? What kind of things do they do for schools? If you don't mind, I can call Victor Benini my spirit on all this. He's we go too bad on all this. So the treasurer of all the lines in national organization, non-profit, you go if you work your way around the City of green signs 160 00:21:07.520 --> 00:21:19.210 and play spaces all over the city. There's 1, 2 blocks in there. They rehabilitate black tops all over the city. So we've been in the pipeline for a while, but with the construction we weren't able to participate. 161 00:21:19.230 --> 00:21:31.330 D20 CEC20: So now that the scaffold is coming down, the funding's already been put aside, and they're going to go through a design process with us where the kids will go out into the space and make recommendations. Draw pictures. 162 00:21:31.330 --> 00:21:49.430 D20 CEC20: and they get that influence on what this face will be. So the turf fields are water and retention, basketball loops, tracks, other elements that are programs into the population. So younger kids in the elementary school with jungle gyms. Older kids get tracks and basketball groups and stuff like that. 163 00:21:49.430 --> 00:22:06.500 D20 CEC20: So this is a completely separate funding stream from sca from resolution. A. It's actually sometimes they use resolution reservoir, and I don't know where they secured that are funding for our 164 00:22:06.500 --> 00:22:11.660 space from, but I could find that. But if we have school. But again, primarily for 165 00:22:11.750 --> 00:22:25.620 D20 CEC20: sure that we would do a renovation. Yes, anytime in our district. Okay, interesting. Hadn't Heard of it before. Yeah, like any point of contact there would be great yeah. And then same question just on that on. 166 00:22:25.650 --> 00:22:41.690 D20 CEC20: Was it yonder? Yes. So you got one of those for every student or just did parents have to like opt into that or so we're rolling it out next week, letters going on to the parents, and we're introducing with the students. Every student has a patch 167 00:22:42.080 --> 00:22:56.660 D20 CEC20: right, and when they enter the building their cell phone goes into the power chat. They lock it just as they. You. You buy you something from a department store. It does have a magnet and locks. Okay, and they put in a book bag, and it's out of sight for the dead. 168 00:22:56.720 --> 00:23:26.710 D20 CEC20: and it's still it's just a phonetic closure, so if they need to get it for an emergency, or if they just, they do need to everyone in the magnetary decent. Okay. So just like a department store you when you leave it, you know the poses will go up a pass, so this locks it, and they have to hit it on the magnet on the way out the the school building, and it will unlock it. They can take this so called cell phone out. They take the pouch on with them. Keep this down that person, someone from school every day. I might not be fully understanding it, but let's say they have an emergency. 169 00:23:26.710 --> 00:23:29.860 See the parent as an emergency During the day I need to contact them. 170 00:23:30.130 --> 00:23:59.150 D20 CEC20: They wouldn't be able to kind of them directly on the phone. The Kid would have to. No. He asked for students to turn off their phone when they come to the school building. Anyway, if a parent has an emergency, of course we Yes, in the cold school. Yeah. If a student would have an emergency, and they don't remember the number that's on their cell phone, the guidance of offices. The main officer will have these unlocking magnets in their office. A student can unlock it and put it. There are are many other schools doing this, or you guys one of 171 00:23:59.150 --> 00:24:03.370 as far as I know. I think I believe, to the first school in District 20. 172 00:24:03.370 --> 00:24:20.930 D20 CEC20: I found that Mr. Beanie wrote this to me, one of my colleagues in district 22 uses, and we went to her school and my sister visible kennel, and so in action, and watch how the students come in and have our blocks. And you know the process of coming in and out. 173 00:24:20.930 --> 00:24:25.110 and of course there'll be kings to iron out the first couple of days and weeks, but 174 00:24:25.130 --> 00:24:53.400 D20 CEC20: we hope that it's a deterrent for the students, and then put their cell phones away, and they're away to the debt. Yeah, not not using their cell phones to help out on quizzes or tests. You know, there's a lot of things that they could use a cell phone. Yeah, social media. So yeah, and like, I said, this started this in the entertainment business, where, if people went to a concert or a comedy show, they didn't want people taping it. Yeah, so they would give people these patches asking a lot in. 175 00:24:53.400 --> 00:25:02.900 D20 CEC20: so you wouldn't be able to see it. It works for adults as well. 176 00:25:04.070 --> 00:25:07.570 D20 CEC20: Right? I'm. Right here. Yeah. 177 00:25:07.810 --> 00:25:09.770 a variety of salts 178 00:25:10.860 --> 00:25:22.860 Maya Rozenblat: work around this, and I know that because, you know, I know that the kids have all phones. They look it in, but they have new phone in the bucket. 179 00:25:23.550 --> 00:25:25.560 Maya Rozenblat: So 180 00:25:25.890 --> 00:25:35.240 D20 CEC20: we we did hear some stories from other schools that you know students will try to put the case in there, or some of the students have an old phone. 181 00:25:35.240 --> 00:25:54.530 D20 CEC20: We have approximately 750 students here, and if we could deter, you know most of them, or make sure that you know 745 of them keep their phones away for the day. It's it's it's a victory for us right. It's a distraction. It's it's proven that you know, with the cell phones away and not with them. They're 182 00:25:54.530 --> 00:25:56.900 achievement. Success will go up. 183 00:25:57.560 --> 00:26:04.130 D20 CEC20: Oh, sorry! Excuse me, what was the budget coming from the Pta or from your school budget? It's coming from Cash Food Planet. 184 00:26:04.170 --> 00:26:05.910 D20 CEC20: my school budget. 185 00:26:07.730 --> 00:26:25.240 D20 CEC20: and how much per kid the 2 costs of my school, based on my population, was approximately $14,000. Okay, thank you. And there is a renewal fee which is minimum, not minimum, but 1,500. 186 00:26:25.240 --> 00:26:41.700 D20 CEC20: Okay, yeah. Excuse me. Yeah. So half each year to sustain the program. the pouches are in the big thing. The student loses a patch it has to be replaced. So okay, now it is, and that's probably just material that we're buying each year, and there's been great support from yonder. 187 00:26:43.070 --> 00:26:45.320 D20 CEC20: We take it 188 00:26:48.560 --> 00:27:02.670 that's Pennsylvania. Thank you. We will not continue to our superintendent. Actually, I did want to take one moment. Another member of another elected official representative identifies themselves. Francis Brennan is here from State Senator. 189 00:27:02.910 --> 00:27:07.910 D20 CEC20: I would choose office, and so thank you all for being there as well. 190 00:27:09.970 --> 00:27:11.450 When I came to our 191 00:27:11.850 --> 00:27:18.010 D20 CEC20: superintendent, Dr. David Freta, for his report. 192 00:27:29.990 --> 00:27:30.550 She 193 00:28:00.920 --> 00:28:17.220 D20 CEC20: so good evening, just for 20. It's great to be with you all this evening, President, so I guest I, the officials, my team, Laura Kaiser, Dr. Joe O'brien. So we've just to keep you in. We have an assistant principal 194 00:28:17.690 --> 00:28:24.710 D20 CEC20: from S. 2 one and asked you one's half for the support, and I really want to thank and reiterate and echo 195 00:28:25.000 --> 00:28:36.320 D20 CEC20: Steve. Thanks for Principal Frank and his staff for having us here, and I'm. I'm really happy to be able to kind of highlight the work. The great work is being done at 196 00:28:36.360 --> 00:28:38.090 Junior High School, 2, 23. 197 00:28:38.450 --> 00:28:55.600 D20 CEC20: I just want to start up Also start off by acknowledging that we're near the end of the holy month of Ramadan, for all of our our Muslim observant families, and we and the the breaking of the fast celebration Elf Fitter is. 198 00:28:55.610 --> 00:29:11.730 D20 CEC20: I mean, we're acknowledging it in the New York City Department of Education. This is Friday. School will be closed this Friday, for you know there. So I want to acknowledge all of our students and benefits we celebrate rather than and looking forward to breaking the fast on Friday or Saturday somewhere in there 199 00:29:11.730 --> 00:29:28.220 D20 CEC20: today is also day one of the New York City La Exams for all of our students in grades 3 to 8. Tomorrow is day 2, and just a reminder that all of our students increase through to 8 will take the New York State math exams on maybe second, and make their. 200 00:29:28.450 --> 00:29:32.690 D20 CEC20: I'll also provide some updates around some arising. 201 00:29:32.770 --> 00:29:46.660 Provide an overview of our district, 20 DC. Peoples. and then provide some review and highlights of some of our key initiatives in the district that are tied to our Tcp. Including our C. Mexico, and 202 00:29:49.950 --> 00:29:54.150 this is a all in there. Those 203 00:29:54.610 --> 00:29:57.770 D20 CEC20: quite a brief between school support update. 204 00:29:58.520 --> 00:29:59.590 Also 205 00:30:00.120 --> 00:30:24.470 D20 CEC20: get it to district priorities that are up coming up for school year, 2,023 and 2,024. So summarizing has been a topic that we've just got several times since last summer, and I know that several Council members have sort of shared feedback around some of the key pieces of solarizing, including the application process. So this year 206 00:30:24.470 --> 00:30:35.500 D20 CEC20: the summer rising application is open currently, and home schools of New York City, and do I have revised the enrollment approach based on feedback from families and Cdos and schools. 207 00:30:35.620 --> 00:30:40.520 D20 CEC20: The goal is to make summarizing enrollment more equitable, inclusive, and family friendly. 208 00:30:40.520 --> 00:30:57.780 D20 CEC20: We know there's been a high demand for summer programming, and the department is either to provide summarizing to as many accounts as possible. So this year's enrollment process prioritizes students, mandated Summer School for academic reasons, Students in temporary housing and students and foster care 209 00:30:57.780 --> 00:31:21.730 D20 CEC20: students and twelve-month IP programs and students with a local connection to the school year. Cbo program or school. Community. It provides an application window during which families can take the time to sign up. Fairies will not be advantaged or penalized, based on when they apply as long as it as it is within that window, and this was a a large sticking point in the district, and a huge area of concern that was expressed to me 210 00:31:21.730 --> 00:31:26.330 by the Council and by families last year during the part of the process. So i'm happy to see 211 00:31:26.340 --> 00:31:33.420 D20 CEC20: to say that we've been able to revise that portion of the process, we'll use it into an application portal. 212 00:31:33.690 --> 00:31:50.690 D20 CEC20: So families can apply from a cell phone or any Internet connected device. In a matter of minutes. It allows families to rank multiple options of the application portal, so they are more likely to receive a seed in summer programming, and allows families to update or change their enrollment preferences, and or withdraw their application 213 00:31:50.690 --> 00:31:58.370 during the window which runs from April the seventeenth. So, starting this past Monday, and we'll run through May the first. 214 00:31:58.520 --> 00:32:11.320 D20 CEC20: After the application window closes, students will be assigned to a program, having to see the availability, using the prioritization categories that are described from us. 215 00:32:11.420 --> 00:32:29.080 D20 CEC20: and in order to be eligible for a moment. Any student attendant school in New York City who is currently in grades K to 8 for the 2022 to 22 school year is eligible for summarizing charter students. Non-public school students and Home school students in New York City are also eligible. 216 00:32:30.330 --> 00:32:30.940 Yes. 217 00:32:31.530 --> 00:32:48.740 D20 CEC20: next i'm going to just go through a list of our district. 20 Dcdp or district comprehensive educational plan goals. All community school districts, as well as high school districts this year have to submit a district comprehensive educational plan. That's specific to 218 00:32:48.740 --> 00:33:04.990 D20 CEC20: the priorities that are laid out by New or C public schools and Chancellor David Banks. So I've listed the district 20 goals here in in align, with each priority that they go with so priority. One of the Chancellor is that all students 219 00:33:05.040 --> 00:33:15.500 D20 CEC20: well, and our goal that's aligned to this priority is that we are aiming to see a 3% increase in proficiency and a 5% decrease of 220 00:33:15.500 --> 00:33:26.070 D20 CEC20: level one students for all students, including certain disabilities and multi-level learners, as measured by the canadian early literacy screener 221 00:33:26.270 --> 00:33:41.050 D20 CEC20: with carrier areas of growth in vocabulary acquisition and comprehension as folk I. These 2 areas were listed as focused areas due to the larger number of students who were far behind and meeting 222 00:33:41.050 --> 00:33:54.220 D20 CEC20: growth in these areas. And then also, our second goal is by June 2,023, a a 3% increase for all students, including students with disabilities, multiling orders and advanced students in proficiency, and a 5% decrease in level one 223 00:33:54.220 --> 00:34:06.250 D20 CEC20: on the New York City and exam which students have begun today in grade. These 3 from 2021 and 2,022, with our key areas and vocabulary acquisition and comprehension, both in 224 00:34:07.240 --> 00:34:10.110 literary and informational text. 225 00:34:10.239 --> 00:34:12.060 D20 CEC20: We measure them both separately 226 00:34:12.150 --> 00:34:26.719 D20 CEC20: get into the irony screener. However, one thing that is to note this year, since the exams are aligned this year in next generation learning standards. There is not 227 00:34:26.940 --> 00:34:35.659 D20 CEC20: the ability to make a direct correlation in comparison between last year's results, and this year's results as the last 2. 228 00:34:35.679 --> 00:35:05.210 D20 CEC20: So exams that we've been looking at the 2121, 22, and 2 and 2 and 2018, 19 Exam. Which is the one that we've been making so references to comparison, we're one to the common core learning standards. So if this year's, exams, and Ely and map are aligned to the next generation standards, so, while we cannot make, you know, a psychometric like direct apples, apples, Comparison between last year's Exam. And this year's Exam. And unless we are looking for an increase in proficiency to decrease of students were 229 00:35:09.200 --> 00:35:09.900 okay 230 00:35:10.510 --> 00:35:12.660 D20 CEC20: for priority. 2 231 00:35:12.750 --> 00:35:28.660 D20 CEC20: of the Chancellor. All students are physically and emotionally safe. By June 2023. Our goal is to reduce your product. Absenteeism in the district by 5% in targeted schools from 27.5% for all students in these targeted schools. 232 00:35:28.760 --> 00:35:36.890 D20 CEC20: as well as 30, point 7% chronically accident for students who are are categorizes. 233 00:35:36.940 --> 00:35:49.080 D20 CEC20: you know, and 37.9 for students who are students with disabilities, and this is indicated by student attendance, and also around our efforts to provide monthly professional development to all of our 234 00:35:49.130 --> 00:35:57.910 D20 CEC20: key student services, support staff, school guides, councillors, and social workers to address the need strategies and effective courses to support students in that crisis in trauma. 235 00:35:59.550 --> 00:36:16.550 D20 CEC20: Priority is around chances of priority for all students having a high-quality academic experience. And we have 3 goals in this priority area one a 3% increase in proficiency and 5% decrease of level one's students for focusing on the newer State math. Exam. 236 00:36:16.550 --> 00:36:26.550 D20 CEC20: By June 2,023 I have all new andl teachers participating in district-wide professional development it's evidenced by their attendance. 237 00:36:26.550 --> 00:36:47.030 D20 CEC20: and then by 2,023 June, all principals math teachers and aps participating in districtgoing target professional development on the map the shifts in math from the common core learning standards to the next generation, learning standards as Evans by attendance, and this particular goal was a focal point of priority due to the 238 00:36:47.250 --> 00:36:48.180 D20 CEC20: no 239 00:36:48.230 --> 00:36:53.920 D20 CEC20: noticeable shift in standards across grade levels in the 240 00:36:53.920 --> 00:37:23.830 D20 CEC20: subject area mathematics, whereas in Eli we can see as large of an impact across grade levels, meaning one standards moving from 3 to grade, 4 in the La. We did see that shit in mathematics. And so we really focused our areas around having a high quality academic experience in this area, as it was a an area that was contacting all of our students, and in a, and in a content area where the district had experience a drop in scores which it had not previously experienced 241 00:37:23.830 --> 00:37:25.210 many years. 242 00:37:25.660 --> 00:37:37.510 D20 CEC20: So the standards changed in 21 when the standards change this year was the first year that the exams reflect the next generation learning standards, which are that's an Ela and math. 243 00:37:38.960 --> 00:37:41.170 D20 CEC20: Whereas in yeah, I 244 00:37:41.300 --> 00:37:56.530 D20 CEC20: I would find the ways. But like in Ela, the shift in the standards was not as noticeable in terms of like what's just to learn and be able to do and demonstrate any trade level in math. There were noticeable shifts in 245 00:37:56.530 --> 00:38:20.550 D20 CEC20: skills that students work, you know, like we're expected to know and be able to do like. For example, in a certain standard I would expect to have demonstrated in eighth grade this year could have shown up in San Francisco, and because of that it would have impact on the the curriculum and the skills and standards that math teachers would focus on at a particular rate level. 246 00:38:20.550 --> 00:38:33.530 D20 CEC20: What do you say this year, though? We're talking about the the state math test that's going to be administered? That's being administered to exists. Okay. So i'm sorry if i'm missing something here, but we don't know yet like performance Wise, if we're going to see a change in performance. 247 00:38:33.530 --> 00:38:57.530 D20 CEC20: No, because of the change in stand. I know. All we do know is that there are different points of emphasis. Yeah. And we do know that certain standards that used to be tested in one grade, we know, would now be tested in a different grade. So the curriculum and the teaching needed to be addressed across the district, and all of those grades, and that teachers math coaches, aps, our schools all needed to be aware and trained so that they could make the adjustments necessary. 248 00:39:00.380 --> 00:39:29.200 D20 CEC20: 34 all students, graduate, Chancellor, I'll. Students, graduate, college and career ready, and have a strong plan and pathway to economic security. So we have 3 goals within this area, and i'll touch on some of our initiatives that are connected to fiscal today. So by June 2,023 all district, 20 students will participate in the district. 20 steam initiatives, and this is would be an increase from 35 previously to all 41, including our 11 pre-k centers. Our level 3 K centers constitute one of the 41 schools. 249 00:39:29.200 --> 00:39:42.420 D20 CEC20: By June 2023. All the students will participate in the civics for all project soapbox initiative as an eminence by petitioner's patient rates in the D. 20 and a wide project. So box Initiative. This will be addressed 250 00:39:42.420 --> 00:40:12.050 D20 CEC20: via the District 26 for all Symposium, which is the title for our district specific event that will engage where students will engage in their public speaking speeches, and then by June 2,023, we to strengthen bilingual programs, and 20 by creating partnerships across school through the expansion of dual language programs to middle school, and we are also expanding in elementary school with the intent of creating ways for students to graduate from K to 12 with 251 00:40:12.050 --> 00:40:14.600 the sealed by literacy. Yeah. 252 00:40:17.000 --> 00:40:36.320 D20 CEC20: And then, finally, priority 5, and the Chancellor is to redesign the system to be more inclusive, and responses for parents and families. So 2 goals. Here one was to strengthen communication, sharing information across the district 20 website. This was something that had been requested since I had come on as superintendents of this year. We made a priority to 253 00:40:36.320 --> 00:40:42.750 develop a website and develop their virtual strategy for tying together all of the online 254 00:40:43.940 --> 00:40:56.790 profiles and presence of all of our schools and have a the opportunity of potential for a one-stop shop for families looking to explore district 20 to find all these schools as well as to be able to get linked to 255 00:40:56.790 --> 00:41:11.920 D20 CEC20: progress updates and other information about district-specific initiatives and then included as I'll talk about today, and then also by June, 2 23 to engage with District 20 community to analyze and recommend academic programs tailored to the needs of district students and families 256 00:41:11.920 --> 00:41:25.790 D20 CEC20: as measured from the school survey. So we're looking to use different responses of the school survey to see whether or not those efforts who are being reflected positively by by family school survey. The New York City School 257 00:41:27.620 --> 00:41:42.230 D20 CEC20: next. I just wanted to recap and highlight some of the work that is connected to some of our DC people. So we talked a lot about the steam expo, so i'm really really excited to celebrate a very successful district. 20 steam expo. We held it 258 00:41:42.230 --> 00:41:52.500 D20 CEC20: right before the break at Junior High School to 27, Edward Vessel. I want to thank again Dr. Edward Hernandez, principal for hosting the 259 00:41:52.500 --> 00:42:05.710 D20 CEC20: steam expo all 41 district 20 schools from Pre-k to 8, were represented and presented in on their projects included some pictures here. These were all 260 00:42:05.910 --> 00:42:13.950 D20 CEC20: sites that I visited, as well as a a picture of all of our principal assistant principals and coaches, and U. Of T. District Rep. 261 00:42:14.150 --> 00:42:37.390 D20 CEC20: Who was there, as well with all of our amazing teachers who made this. Happen. I want to highlight the the team from Junior High School, 2, 27 who developed a prototype that worked of a solar-powered cell phone charger that was contactless, that you could just put your phone on it, and it charged, and it was solar powered, and they were looking through some of the design pieces around that, but I was able to 262 00:42:37.530 --> 00:42:41.120 D20 CEC20: talk about home for a few minutes on there on their project. 263 00:42:43.680 --> 00:43:02.970 D20 CEC20: I have some special thanks. First. I want to thank Dr. Joe, Dr. Joe O'brien, who I misspelled my apologies for that typing for for care through the initiative over several years from my predecessor and and the the designer of the professional development structure that has strong 264 00:43:02.970 --> 00:43:30.140 D20 CEC20: leaders of Steve training the rest of the district to enable the spread of this. So I really want to highlight Dr. O'brien, for you know, establishing, creating, and, you know, cultivating this kind of ecosystem, not just steam, but also teacher to teacher professional development that results in high impact on students and leveraging some of our really, you know, great minds in the district, including some folks in this room today. I really want to. I I also want to highlight 265 00:43:30.140 --> 00:43:47.550 D20 CEC20: from my team and social coach, who also worked directly with this Dean League coach. So i'm going to, because who really did all the evaluating for this work, for guiding them and supporting their work in designing the professional development this year that ultimately resulted in 266 00:43:47.550 --> 00:44:04.400 D20 CEC20: the design of the various projects for for free to create through eighth grade across all of our schools. So I want to, you know, you know I want to personally thank Anna Pizarro from I s 2 on Madeline Brennan, who is one of our Steve Leeds Marissa Carter from Ps. 102 Diane Coryway from P. S. 1, 79, 267 00:44:04.400 --> 00:44:17.830 D20 CEC20: I'm. Marilla deed from Ps. 30, Dr. Kerry to Ranti, from Ps. 9 W. One and Mont talks on Sarah Slack, who was highlighted previously by Principal Frank, an amazing 268 00:44:17.830 --> 00:44:27.650 D20 CEC20: contributor to the work here, and as you're going to see earlier, an amazing contributor under Principal Frank's leadership of a lot of the amazing work that's happening here at Montreal Junior High School. 269 00:44:31.970 --> 00:44:51.330 D20 CEC20: Next, I want to highlight the the district 20 map, Olympia. This, again this is one of the suggestions in late spring, early summer around some additional opportunities to engage students in some accelerated learning opportunities from CC. So this was a tremendous success. The Math Olympia is a series of math 270 00:44:51.330 --> 00:45:04.010 D20 CEC20: learning tasks that children across the district have to engage in 21 of our schools participated across elementary and middle school. There's about 100,000 students who participated worldwide. 271 00:45:04.350 --> 00:45:22.670 D20 CEC20: So the way that the mathematician worked was 5 tests were administered from November 2022 until March, 2023, one per month. Each test consisted of 5 questions, and each question was 1 point, and students had 30 min to answer the test. So perfect score was 25. 272 00:45:22.670 --> 00:45:42.460 D20 CEC20: We had a we had several students who did really well on this this. which was pretty impressive, but we did have more students from focus school of inquiry. 20 K. 6, a 6, who achieved a perfect score. The Lynch Neural board is given to all students across the world who participate in one. 273 00:45:42.460 --> 00:45:53.350 D20 CEC20: the Math Olympia, who get a perfect score. So we're really excited. We're going to post the school level results on the district website later around. How many students performed 274 00:45:53.820 --> 00:46:07.760 D20 CEC20: at 50% or above versus the beginning of the recognition for a student achieving a a plaque, or that's the initial recognition level that you get. So we have. We'll be able to list all the schools who participated, and how many. 275 00:46:07.860 --> 00:46:26.400 D20 CEC20: how many students, or achieve the plan for hire. But all students receive a certificate. P. 1, 27, we we're so clapper being in the top, 10% of all teams participating in the world, and Ps. 69 will receive a certificate for being in the top 11 to 20% of all teams participating. 276 00:46:26.400 --> 00:46:39.580 D20 CEC20: We are exploring. So this was the the worldwide competition. We are exploring, having a district, 20 specific math Olympian event in June, 2023, so more to come on that. But that's something that faced off of the experience for teachers and students. 277 00:46:39.580 --> 00:46:55.610 D20 CEC20: They had a blast. They thought this was amazing experience. They were working on do it, and we're obviously going to be posting some more details around the work of the math Olympiad, including some more at school. Specific results on the district. 20 website shortly and again, I want to. This is real special, thanks 278 00:46:55.610 --> 00:47:23.840 D20 CEC20: to Dr. O'brien, Dr. Urebe and the Steve leaves and coaches who did a lot of support around this and all the district, 20 teachers who worked with their students in an enrichment class, and after school program in a variety of ways that principals, you know, kind of embedded this in their their schools. It was a it was a great success, and I had such a great time coming to schools during my during ppos or school visits, and having teachers of elementary teachers let's. We'll teach coming up and saying like. 279 00:47:24.030 --> 00:47:31.290 Wow! This map is really hard like it was legitimate, like very, very difficult. 280 00:47:32.240 --> 00:47:51.880 D20 CEC20: So it's just upcoming the district. 20 science Olympiad is upcoming. It's May 20 fourth. It's also at Junior High School, 2, 27 ever shallow. Thanks again to Doctor at, and and he does for hosting us. I. All CC. Members are invited. I would love for your comments, starts at Teddy and goes to one P. M. So if it's possible. 281 00:47:51.910 --> 00:47:52.910 D20 CEC20: you know. 282 00:47:53.180 --> 00:48:02.410 D20 CEC20: But we'll also post pictures and results of Nice Olympia when it's concluded 283 00:48:05.980 --> 00:48:07.230 for change. 284 00:48:12.460 --> 00:48:22.740 D20 CEC20: and the district 20 civics for all Symposium, which is the culminating event in the district in our first year as a a sixth for all partner. 285 00:48:22.850 --> 00:48:52.800 D20 CEC20: all schools will be be represented, and students will perform will present their soapbox speeches, and as well as hiding some of the other work around civics for all around participatory budgeting. Another component of the civics for all partnership is establishing student teams that engage that are provided with a sum of money and engage in a a participatory budgeting process at the school level, where students and 286 00:48:52.800 --> 00:49:02.340 D20 CEC20: their peers in developing different ideas for utilizing the funds and then engaging in voting. So I was also 287 00:49:02.340 --> 00:49:18.580 D20 CEC20: lucky enough to. So on their voting days, and I did vote a few times. I have no idea if my vote contributed to anyone's or losses. But I did, You know, review several different amazing ideas that students came up with to spend their funds, and 288 00:49:18.710 --> 00:49:28.490 D20 CEC20: I did cast anonymous votes. This the the event will be held at the sunset at school for cultural learning, and 289 00:49:28.490 --> 00:49:52.080 D20 CEC20: on 50 Ninth Street and Third Avenue. It's on June 6, the time and schedule will be Tbd. I'll provide more details when we have them. But where the team is currently in process of development. I want to give a big shout out again to Laura Kaiser, the executive director of our of school support, and Tracy Mccarthy, Noor on our district, 20 instructional coach who has been spearheading this 290 00:49:52.080 --> 00:50:07.450 D20 CEC20: we're doing the professional development along with Jeremiah from Central office for doing all the professional development and support and updates with all of our teachers across the district, and making sure that so these success it's. This has been a. 291 00:50:16.900 --> 00:50:23.050 So my computer is going slow. even though i'm making us 292 00:50:23.160 --> 00:50:24.800 D20 CEC20: text on the slide. So 293 00:50:33.120 --> 00:50:52.630 D20 CEC20: Oh, okay, well, oh, good to go there. I I there's not a slide, for I was getting. I was planning on giving an update on the district 20. So us team school support. I will provide a more specific update. I don't have a slide for here, but I will say that we've been reviewing the data that we use to 294 00:50:52.630 --> 00:50:55.320 D20 CEC20: capture the different types of 295 00:50:57.060 --> 00:51:13.040 D20 CEC20: support that our district team members offered to school. So I've reviewed a a few different types that engage many different folks in a systematic way. So, for example. Our assistant Principal Institute this year had our 2 of our math instructional coaches 296 00:51:13.060 --> 00:51:17.720 D20 CEC20: operating instruction rounds in all of our schools. 297 00:51:17.770 --> 00:51:21.990 and having different little teams of Aps going to visit each other 298 00:51:22.080 --> 00:51:47.280 D20 CEC20: and looking at mathematical practice. That was one of the larger district support. We didn't count those as kind of like school visits, we we in, in, in addition to all the district initiatives, we captured, all of the individualized support that our district team members have provided to schools. So, in addition to all the the district initiative, work and professional development, we've captured over 300 299 00:51:47.280 --> 00:52:08.080 D20 CEC20: individualized supports that our our team members have provided to schools, and in a variety of context. Principals and principals. Teachers are the 3 major support receivers, but we, it goes all the way down the line to to right and and for a variety of reasons. But next month i'll provide a more kind of detailed look at like 300 00:52:08.080 --> 00:52:33.080 D20 CEC20: how the Chancellor's work to expand district teams and support has resulted in not just the district initiative work that I've shared since the beginning of the type of individualized targeted support that, as you know, we would really help hope and help can serve to support. You know our students in some of the individualized ways that may not fit neatly and tightly into some of the district priorities. 301 00:52:34.260 --> 00:52:41.020 D20 CEC20: And finally. one of the things that we do around test time is we start looking towards next year. 302 00:52:41.050 --> 00:52:49.530 This is something, you know. We, you know, once we get to the exam time. This is the the New York State Exam. Is the State's 303 00:52:49.530 --> 00:53:10.790 D20 CEC20: measure there for determining to what extent every student has met standards. They use the assessment to to do that. So we start to think about. What are some of the priorities that we're going to be looking to next year, based off of a variety of things, including our assessment data from I ready from last year historical data, but also observations like looking at 304 00:53:10.790 --> 00:53:17.630 D20 CEC20: myself and Dr. O'brien. evaluate our schools and principles by visiting them and conducting 305 00:53:17.630 --> 00:53:45.020 D20 CEC20: day on visits, visiting a wide variety of classrooms, a large number of classrooms, visiting teacher teams working with instructional leadership team members, parents, students, and looking at what are going to be the places where we're experiencing success. And what is some of the kind of key barriers and lovers that we need to pull in order to address some of the the concerns and issues that continue to operate in the district. And one thing that we have noticed in the district is, while we have seen, a slow 306 00:53:45.040 --> 00:54:04.340 D20 CEC20: increase in literacy proficiency for the all students category. We continue to see how a so significant percentage of students continue to perform to the lower foremost standards. And this includes the all-groups of category as well as subgroups, multiple learners with disabilities and and 307 00:54:04.390 --> 00:54:28.070 D20 CEC20: and we've been really trying to get a sense of in addition to the pieces of put in place, what are what's the key lever that we need to do to in order to address? And the the problem of practice that we've identified as being the most substantial barrier to advancing. The the progress of all students in the district has been around their access to grade level text and center line and centers, align instruction and learning tasks 308 00:54:28.070 --> 00:54:32.600 for all students across schools. This has been something that we found to be a barrier 309 00:54:32.760 --> 00:54:39.920 D20 CEC20: in all subjects, especially subjects in the core. This is when I say the core. This is 310 00:54:40.000 --> 00:54:43.040 English language, arts, social studies, science, and math 311 00:54:43.040 --> 00:55:02.150 D20 CEC20: in all subjects to that, and require students to learn, comprehend, and analyze text in order to come across. There we find that their daily access to grade, level, text and instruction and tasks that are online to the standards is the biggest key barrier, and we find that the curriculum 312 00:55:02.150 --> 00:55:06.050 choices, as the number one reason Why, that's out there. 313 00:55:06.530 --> 00:55:19.430 D20 CEC20: So our theory of action is that if we across the district implement standards, aligned curriculum that leverages grade, level text and learning tasks across all 4 core content areas for all students 314 00:55:19.430 --> 00:55:34.940 D20 CEC20: that leverages, scaffolds, and supports to ensure daily access and exposure to great level learning for all students than all student performance were improved. And that's that's our already working theory of action. And in order to to accomplish this. 315 00:55:35.000 --> 00:55:54.320 D20 CEC20: we've developed an instructional focus around curriculum implementation. And specifically we we're going to be highlighting the implementation of the curriculum intermediate in K 5 and into literature to be the core literacy programs and all districts from 20 schools starting next year. 316 00:55:54.420 --> 00:56:11.450 D20 CEC20: These programs are rooted in the Chancellor's priority around ensuring that all literacy instruction is rooted in the science of reading as such, all district, 20 principles will be trained in letters. Letters is the conceptual framework of 317 00:56:11.450 --> 00:56:24.640 D20 CEC20: the science of reading the the the what the science of reading is, and the different components of it. It's not the curriculum. It's. The conceptual framework, and that training is in is in this spring. It's, it's, it's. It's in a moth. 318 00:56:24.760 --> 00:56:36.400 D20 CEC20: All school leaders and teachers will receive professional development and support through a multi-tiered system that begins immediately. That will leverage our school staff, my district team. 319 00:56:36.430 --> 00:56:53.590 D20 CEC20: educational consultants and individual school leadership to support and the effort around implementing the curriculum. Social studies and science are additional subject areas where some schools. Not all. But some schools will continue to address and expand their efforts to provide standards, line, instruction, and learning tasks. 320 00:56:53.640 --> 00:57:05.800 D20 CEC20: the root of grade-level text. So this is a our theory actually touches upon all core, upon all full content areas. But there will be a point of emphasis and a district-wide 321 00:57:06.000 --> 00:57:11.440 D20 CEC20: approach with the Ela curriculum. So inter reading the I and into literature in 6 to 8, 322 00:57:13.560 --> 00:57:28.050 D20 CEC20: and that's the that's the end of my presentation. Thanks, Dr. Better really good stuff. I have a ton of questions, but i'll sort of let others. It does. Does anyone any Council members have any questions for Dr. 323 00:57:29.010 --> 00:57:32.030 Okay. I do it for the 324 00:57:32.310 --> 00:57:41.600 D20 CEC20: about the the proficiencies that increase in the district. If you can, you can speak at this you go to check. 325 00:57:41.640 --> 00:57:43.060 D20 CEC20: Yeah. I I mean that 326 00:57:43.180 --> 00:57:47.260 D20 CEC20: also mentioned about the coefficients in the district. 327 00:57:47.730 --> 00:57:50.640 just wondering if they're working? 328 00:57:51.940 --> 00:57:57.130 Is there any any particular school, or is it a close to district that will. 329 00:57:57.340 --> 00:58:01.800 D20 CEC20: I guess, certain type of students we have in 30, but also consistently. 330 00:58:01.870 --> 00:58:03.040 D20 CEC20: you know. 331 00:58:03.230 --> 00:58:19.600 D20 CEC20: so different schools have different levels of proficiency. But across the district, the the the proficiency level is 65% for last year. That means that 35% of the students and district were not efficient either far below or approaching proficiency, which is too many. 332 00:58:19.750 --> 00:58:36.620 D20 CEC20: And we're looking really looking at the the reasons why that is, and we keep coming back to the curricular resources that schools use to engage all of their students in the expectations of the standards, and that grade level and 333 00:58:36.660 --> 00:58:42.160 D20 CEC20: texts that they are to read, so this shit 334 00:58:42.580 --> 00:58:57.690 will enable all students across the district to be able to consistently engage with the expectations of their grade level and engage with the standards that they're ultimately assessed on that. That was a key barrier. We were finding that that was a problem 335 00:58:57.750 --> 00:59:00.710 that that wasn't happening for all students. 336 00:59:01.060 --> 00:59:07.530 D20 CEC20: I just I I hear you're saying I I struggled this idea, though. Are you saying that there were schools in the district 337 00:59:07.590 --> 00:59:08.840 previously 338 00:59:10.260 --> 00:59:15.200 D20 CEC20: organizing curriculum around caps that were below grade water. Or 339 00:59:15.470 --> 00:59:33.150 is that kind of what you're saying? Yes. okay. Any particular one with sort of above the and and why? And I guess i'm just trying to. It's a great question. So some in cases where 340 00:59:33.720 --> 00:59:34.980 the curriculum 341 00:59:43.240 --> 00:59:53.750 in some cases the curriculum selection of the school did not. That was the core. Literacy curriculum did not take the approach that 342 00:59:53.820 --> 01:00:03.310 D20 CEC20: daily access to where the whole test was. The method for students to be able to ultimately meet trade level instead looking at a different approach. 343 01:00:05.530 --> 01:00:07.250 In some cases we had 344 01:00:07.880 --> 01:00:13.930 D20 CEC20: so designed your own curriculum, where a curriculum was being designed by the school staff. 345 01:00:14.050 --> 01:00:16.530 which, you know, had varied 346 01:00:16.620 --> 01:00:30.680 D20 CEC20: inconsistent results in students getting access to grade level. and in general we didn't find any examples where students were being consistently exposed to text that we above the 347 01:00:30.790 --> 01:00:56.740 D20 CEC20: That was not the problem. The problem was consistently around students, in some cases all students, and in in most cases specific classes and groups of students not being provided access to the grade level through, partly through the design of the curriculum, and obviously the implementation of our teachers. And when you, when you, when you're back on standards grade level right now. 348 01:00:56.740 --> 01:01:01.860 I assume that's next Jen, the current state the generation Eli, is. Yes. 349 01:01:03.030 --> 01:01:06.680 D20 CEC20: I just want to kind of follow up on Kevin's sort of line of questioning. 350 01:01:07.820 --> 01:01:17.380 D20 CEC20: You pointed out the state test results are sort of the bronze, or for this we know those won't be, you know they're kidding them now. They won't be available for the next year. So a lot of the benchmarks 351 01:01:17.380 --> 01:01:36.860 D20 CEC20: are is I right? Yes, and you know it's sort of like your thoughts on where we are as a district now versus where we were a year ago, just looking at the the data here, the percent proficiency of the latest. I already compare it to a year ago, and it looks like some marginal gains, and I guess I just want to understand. First of all, the goal. 352 01:01:37.080 --> 01:01:43.880 D20 CEC20: I think it was a 3% increase overall, right? So if we're hypothetically, you said. 353 01:01:43.880 --> 01:01:57.370 D20 CEC20: let's forget about State test. First I ready. But hypothetically, let's say we were 65% proficient last year. That means a 68%. Is the definition. Yeah. Okay, so like, for last year we have Eli proficiency of 45% now or 46%. 354 01:01:57.370 --> 01:02:13.550 D20 CEC20: If we're using, I ready. That means by the end of the year you're hoping to get to 48% compared to 45, Pretty much right? Okay? And so. So I was looking at some of the benchmark goal, the mid-ear goals, and those seem like well, well below them. So I was just curious. How those 355 01:02:14.130 --> 01:02:20.020 D20 CEC20: you know. Are you like, for example, the the I ready goal, I think, for 356 01:02:20.860 --> 01:02:22.320 for Ela 357 01:02:23.870 --> 01:02:30.260 D20 CEC20: just gonna pull up the exact numbers here like, for I up for for for Ela. It says we're targeting them 358 01:02:30.320 --> 01:02:32.310 68% 359 01:02:32.860 --> 01:02:40.580 D20 CEC20: at the we're above proficiency, Eli, by your end. That's on the State scores. But on I ready. We're currently 48 like are those 360 01:02:40.980 --> 01:02:50.580 D20 CEC20: comparable. And when we talk about targeting 68% at year on any 11, I assume that's what you're You're sort of think about state results there 361 01:02:51.050 --> 01:03:01.410 D20 CEC20: couple of times. Okay. So so a couple of things like first. The the I already assessment is, you know, I already have done a lot of work to correlate their results 362 01:03:01.430 --> 01:03:06.650 D20 CEC20: to the State exam results, however. but 363 01:03:07.320 --> 01:03:23.240 D20 CEC20: not a linear connection between how they're doing in January versus how they're going to do in May, due to a variety of factors, mostly because Students haven't, but Haven't not been exposed to several very key concepts between 364 01:03:23.640 --> 01:03:35.160 D20 CEC20: September and January, when they're being assessed between January and they take the exam in late April early May. There's a lot of teaching time, and we have found in the screener that there has been 365 01:03:35.250 --> 01:03:49.390 D20 CEC20: significant progress made between the the January point and the point at which they they take the exam. So that's one thing. The second thing is that they're just different suspects like At the other day they're different. It's. We we utilize it as a as a barometer and a checkpoint, and we're. 366 01:03:49.390 --> 01:04:09.060 D20 CEC20: i'll admit that it's not a perfect science where we can kind of like. Say, if we hit this particular benchmark. So we really want to make it's. It's really a work in Paris for us to see how we're able to utilize the screener to create benchmarks that we feel like are going to keep us on track, for ultimately the goal that we're looking for, and we 367 01:04:09.060 --> 01:04:17.580 D20 CEC20: are finding that with ultimately, and also with the the ultimate results Like last year, for example, our Ela results were higher 368 01:04:17.620 --> 01:04:22.770 D20 CEC20: at the end of the day than what we were predicting, based on the irony results, so we 369 01:04:23.080 --> 01:04:32.450 ultimately it's not a perfect science, and especially with the the 3 benchmarks. But we're really looking to refine that work, and we'll look at how they wind up 370 01:04:32.450 --> 01:04:53.550 D20 CEC20: at the end of this year, and really be thoughtful and considered about because we will continue to use the screeners as a method to manage mantra benchmark progress. But we're also really looking next year to be able to look, to be able to utilize standards, online assessments to be able to further target. How students are performing in specific standards 371 01:04:53.550 --> 01:04:59.880 D20 CEC20: Because I Ready is not a standard aligned assessment. It is a computer adaptive assessment that 372 01:04:59.980 --> 01:05:07.720 gives it a relative overall benchmark level in terms of how the students perform overall. It also provides 373 01:05:07.860 --> 01:05:22.850 D20 CEC20: great level performance within particular skills. but it's not it doesn't. It doesn't provide teachers with the ability to look at individual questions that students answer and do what we call a 374 01:05:24.820 --> 01:05:37.950 D20 CEC20: a gap analysis where basically you look at the wrong answers, and try to make determinations of whether or not where the misunderstanding line with students in that particular standard. So we're looking at how we are going to be able to again leverage this common 375 01:05:37.950 --> 01:06:05.080 D20 CEC20: one of the additional kind of in the Leads benefits of the common curriculum. We'll be able to look at specific standards and look at different areas in which students are demonstrating misunderstanding based off from the answers. Just things like questions. And look at teaching practices materials, you know, different approaches to see if we can get underneath, and why the why students are struggling with particular, and you can't. I'm surprised that you say you can't do that with that. 376 01:06:05.080 --> 01:06:35.060 D20 CEC20: as I already was. That was a big big batch of about it. It really like it breaks down by sort of, you know, the different subcategories of math. And yeah, it does. No, no, I really does a lot. The one of all of the benefits that are provided by a computer adaptive assessment like I ready, or a math. One of the things that it does not do is that it does not have every single student answer the same questions. Okay, so you can. Which and ultimately the State assessment 377 01:06:35.060 --> 01:06:46.190 D20 CEC20: is that the State assessment is a where all students are answering the same questions line at the same standards. Yes; so in order to have a in order to have an accurate benchmark assessment that 378 01:06:46.470 --> 01:06:55.750 D20 CEC20: that that teachers are able to work backwards on and to look at specific misunderstandings of individual students groups. Whole class. 379 01:06:56.010 --> 01:07:12.200 D20 CEC20: after a standard is taught. You have to have a where all the students are answering the same question. Okay. I just want to ask about a couple a few schools. I was looking at the data on certain schools, saying, Just curious for your thoughts. It looks like on on Ela. 380 01:07:12.800 --> 01:07:28.990 D20 CEC20: Actually, it looks like i'm i'm comparing this the winter exam this year the I got to the winter last year, and maybe, you know there's nothing that jumps out of you about the or you haven't heard about anything at these particular schools, but i'm just curious if maybe there was. But we do talk. We do talk a lot about 381 01:07:29.050 --> 01:07:48.800 D20 CEC20: sort of sharing techniques across the district, and maybe some schools are doing different things that might be beneficial. It looks like looks like Psi is 30. Actually had a nice game in Ela from last year. I don't know if you know anything, they do anything differently, or is it? It is totally fine, quite off the spot, you know. 382 01:07:49.790 --> 01:07:54.140 D20 CEC20: There's a at the end of the day. There's a variety of factors that are going to, of course. 383 01:07:54.510 --> 01:07:58.480 why students are performing or not performing, yet 384 01:07:59.280 --> 01:08:09.230 D20 CEC20: I totally get that. This is really just, and just curious to know if there's any initiatives it looks like it looks like actually 185, and 936 on both Ela and 385 01:08:09.300 --> 01:08:20.050 D20 CEC20: Maths were among the biggest improvements year over year. I know that 1, 85 has been working really hard at implementing a tier, 2 intervention with some of their. 386 01:08:21.000 --> 01:08:36.750 D20 CEC20: with some of their, some of their tier, 2 students who require an additional dose in literacy. So they've been promoting a program there that they they've been attributing to success to. I think that the one a by staff is also 387 01:08:36.750 --> 01:08:55.140 D20 CEC20: excellent staff, who, like, worked really hard. So they and the the principal, Miss Kabulius, has been working very hard to, you know, kind of refine, and provide students with free access across the different tier. So you know there's no surprise there. 9, 7, and at 9, 36, 388 01:08:55.149 --> 01:09:03.450 you know. I've been very, you know. I've been pleased with some of the instruction that I've seen in some of the classrooms. So some of this can also just be attributed to 389 01:09:03.620 --> 01:09:19.040 D20 CEC20: different schools, applying the theories of action around, you know, ensuring that students are being are engaging in discussion, are engaging in strong writing instruction. Using the data, we found that a lot of vocabulary instruction and 390 01:09:19.040 --> 01:09:38.300 D20 CEC20: language objectives for our multinational learner 7 areas. So I I kind of think of the talk about better and more specifically those schools, but those are some of the things that would, you know, help support those growth? Yeah. And then also, you know, using the data like I already has been incredibly successful in in supporting teachers and 391 01:09:38.310 --> 01:09:57.680 D20 CEC20: and principles in individual students and classes, to see like how they're doing like it's a screener. It's a it's a one. It's a kind of one time. Quick look! It's! It it serves the purpose of taking a one-time quick. Look, to see how shoes are doing in that moment and be able to pull out to 2 of our in high need 392 01:09:57.680 --> 01:10:20.700 D20 CEC20: for support, and so that schools are able to kind of identify those students quickly and be able to organize their efforts around, providing those students who are like fallen far behind with support. And we we monitor that and support that at our at the district level with our ais coaches, with our math bushes, and we've over literacy coaches around, and also through our principal meetings around 393 01:10:21.050 --> 01:10:37.950 D20 CEC20: our expectations for how to provide support to students in those variety of areas, while also making sure that core instruction kind of coming back to the the problem of practice in the district, making sure that all students continue to receive daily grade level standards. 394 01:10:37.950 --> 01:10:50.210 D20 CEC20: align instruction for students who are not just students who are at or above grade level, but also students who are below harbor. They need, like all students, need to continue receiving that support 395 01:10:50.360 --> 01:11:07.140 D20 CEC20: while they're receiving that intervention right. It makes sense, sure. And that's where we find that if there's a struggle, yeah. And you know, i'm just curious. I just like to sort of focus on on some of the schools in sort of the lower half of the the results, actually one that jumps out for a positive improvement. I don't know if there's any guest title 3. They had 396 01:11:07.140 --> 01:11:18.510 D20 CEC20: 13 point gain in their in their math scores year over year they went from 13% proficient to 26% proficient. So anyway, i'm not sure if this is for the specific there. But 397 01:11:18.510 --> 01:11:36.540 D20 CEC20: but yeah, just curious about some of the schools that are sort of at the bottom, you know. I guess. One thing I noticed is you set goals for the we'll talk about konic acid in a minute, but not school-specific goals, just district wide goals on on Ela and math? Why not set school to specific goals on on Ela and math improvement? 398 01:11:36.800 --> 01:11:52.540 D20 CEC20: It's something that at the district level we have always look at the district level results. So with the Ela and the math scores. We not just are tracked at the school level like. So the 399 01:11:52.540 --> 01:12:11.890 D20 CEC20: also published just level results. So ultimately we're looking at improving that number, and we have found that approaches that we're looking for increases in that way, and that way is not very different from the chronic absenteeism Goal, I think, with the chronic absenteeism goal is more about 400 01:12:12.450 --> 01:12:25.440 D20 CEC20: the number of students beings who are chronically absent, that would predictively move the needle of for the overall being concentrated in a smaller set of schools, If that makes sense. 401 01:12:26.080 --> 01:12:38.520 D20 CEC20: But I think the same applies here. I mean, I would suspect, if we got some of the schools that are in the 20% efficient range, 5 percentage point gain each of those. In other words, there's there's a lot more 402 01:12:38.630 --> 01:12:42.910 D20 CEC20: gains to be made there than there are in some of the higher. 403 01:12:42.910 --> 01:13:02.100 D20 CEC20: which would probably, you know, Max, out a certain point, as in terms of their proficiency. So i'm just curious, like any any specific initiatives on, You know. You know we're looking at the list of Ps. 503 because 506, you know 931 404 01:13:02.660 --> 01:13:19.620 D20 CEC20: anything specific for sort of the tools that are at the in the lower T. Not in terms of goal settings. All schools in the district are are woven into the goal, because all all schools are district. 20 schools, however, for our this report, our action plans for improving 405 01:13:19.620 --> 01:13:28.510 D20 CEC20: percentages, and whatever in different schools varies, so every school doesn't receive the same level of support. That's the way in which we address 406 01:13:28.570 --> 01:13:56.030 D20 CEC20: different schools across the district in terms of their needs. Earlier, when you said you're talking about justified support versus individual support. That will. And you said the next meeting, stay tuned for more information, like if you said, yeah, so I can. Yeah. So we can kind of show we can demonstrate across the district how different levels of different levels of kind of employees get interacted with like how often my district team interacts with principals versus assistant principals coaches 407 01:13:56.030 --> 01:14:00.880 D20 CEC20: we can, and also the different types. So if it's, you know. 408 01:14:01.660 --> 01:14:17.850 D20 CEC20: doing working with a teacher, team working with an individual teacher, this type of ethics, and so on. The chronic absenteeism. I'm: just curious. The the numbers in the descent were from last year right? 2022 district 20. Then you have on your sides and district 20 409 01:14:19.260 --> 01:14:22.000 D20 CEC20: chronic absence in 27 from 5%. 410 01:14:22.090 --> 01:14:24.430 D20 CEC20: What's that number currently do we have that. 411 01:14:24.480 --> 01:14:34.820 D20 CEC20: I can't show that that information right now. But but what we, what I have been excited to be able to 19, 412 01:14:34.960 --> 01:14:53.020 D20 CEC20: We're we're we're definitely in line to meet our goals to something. I'm: happy about. Yeah. But we've also really been excited. In addition to being able to have a sole and more who came to the last meeting a student service manager and a district social worker, providing professional development to all of our 413 01:14:53.020 --> 01:15:11.790 D20 CEC20: Guidance Council support and social workers to help address the issue. We also now have the district attendance manager, Michelle Esposito, who, I I I introduced her at least a name at one met or 2 weeks ago. So we've been able to have her to support our targeted schools around 414 01:15:11.790 --> 01:15:28.630 their specific attendance approaches, developing attendance teams, developing attendance strategies and looking at the different systems in a school; for how school culture encourages attendance, how different strategies are for parent engagement and looking at targeted and using data to 415 01:15:28.630 --> 01:15:42.620 D20 CEC20: target different grade levels, classes, individual students to be able to have a kind of you, not a kind of a a multi-tier approach to improving attendance by leveraging data. 416 01:15:42.690 --> 01:16:02.160 D20 CEC20: the the systems in the school and and and the culture and the schools, to see how it overall encourages the kind of something. How about the target schools for sectors? 8 that we're kind of specifically named in the desat for improvements? And the answer that we have? Do we know if those schools are 417 01:16:02.200 --> 01:16:16.300 D20 CEC20: on track for their goal? I think the goal is to get each school below 30% chronic absenteeism, so like, so far with so far, what I can say. And there's because there's a lot of time with with attendance, and we've seen changes in the attendance 418 01:16:16.300 --> 01:16:33.490 D20 CEC20: in the district in general. I'm. I'm. We're looking to see an increase from last year. We well, there are predictably times in the year where you see some dips. Last year we had a large dip in January, when so 419 01:16:33.490 --> 01:16:44.580 D20 CEC20: that so this year we did not see that. Yeah. So like we're we're we're looking at like at the end of the year. I think we'll be able to like really kind of see. 420 01:16:44.640 --> 01:16:52.200 D20 CEC20: and it takes some time to look at those targeted schools to see to what extent some of the contextual features in the the city 421 01:16:52.330 --> 01:17:02.920 D20 CEC20: data did not have, like you, work to improve their attendance or or otherwise chronic absenteeism. Yeah. But we are seeing, really positive 422 01:17:03.210 --> 01:17:32.000 D20 CEC20: received, positive moves in all those schools around the structures that predictively address chronic absenteeism, attendance teams. The use of data as the New York City public schools now has really enhanced their data tools that schools and at the district level we can use to identify students very quickly that need intervention. So Michelle, on my team has been really working with these specific schools on enhancing those 423 01:17:32.000 --> 01:17:47.350 D20 CEC20: systems and structures to be able to do the outreach. So we're in generously possible. Yeah, what's a quick? Just quickly, Don't let me too much in the weeds. What's an example of a data point or data, the data series that you guys use to predict students at risk about. Well, there's a 424 01:17:47.550 --> 01:18:00.650 D20 CEC20: pull on students who are at risk of chronic absenteeism. So you you can go into our attendance tool again. Go to a school and filter for students who are at risk of chronic absenteeism by the respect by their current attendance percentage. 425 01:18:00.680 --> 01:18:17.620 D20 CEC20: give the names, grades, class, and attendance teams. The principal myself that my team can look at that report and start to look at what's going to be intervention. And how are you going to do so? Student. It goes over but a certain fashion of a day's apps, and then a little indicator. In theory well 426 01:18:17.620 --> 01:18:21.870 show up when you log in more or less, said that. Okay. 427 01:18:22.190 --> 01:18:31.500 D20 CEC20: just in on the other goals. I think, Laura, you're saying 19% is the district in 2,018.6. And how about for the the Enl goal was to get the last year. 428 01:18:31.500 --> 01:18:43.120 and our students were 30.7%. You know what that is with student disabilities. Goal last year is 37.9. 429 01:18:43.210 --> 01:19:02.330 D20 CEC20: The your your slides, and i'll see the grounds and other members one of our questions in a minute. But you mentioned programs that are tailored to the needs of families in the district. We're curious for your thoughts. If you have any chance to think more about our proposal for additional middle School academic screen seats. 430 01:19:02.560 --> 01:19:09.430 D20 CEC20: we are currently looking at the the curriculum implementation has been a district-wide 431 01:19:09.620 --> 01:19:11.710 effort which is going to is 432 01:19:18.820 --> 01:19:26.790 D20 CEC20: I think if it's thought it hardly even come to any conclusions around it. We are focused in on ensuring that 433 01:19:26.800 --> 01:19:44.540 D20 CEC20: in the core content areas across all schools that are, so that every student is being provided with a daily standard to line grade level instructional experience that's appropriate for not just their individual needs, but also like the expectations of the grade. So that's something that 434 01:19:45.730 --> 01:19:51.850 i'm. I'm happy to say that it is underway, but it is a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's, a it's, a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's, a it's, a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it 435 01:19:51.860 --> 01:20:05.690 D20 CEC20: definitely more, to come on that, but we are also. I have considered it, and having to come to me, what's the time currently thank for coming back to us with some kind of sort of feedback, and we did have some specific problems that you'd like to get back information as well. 436 01:20:05.710 --> 01:20:16.220 D20 CEC20: Yeah. So with some of the some of the requests. There are a lot of requests around admission cycles, and and so the 437 01:20:16.770 --> 01:20:33.630 D20 CEC20: the office of admissions in my office can produce admissions, cycle data at the end. Once all emission cycles have concluded, so i'll be able to provide that information at a later date, more towards the end of the year. Once all the admission cycles are. 438 01:20:33.990 --> 01:20:37.440 And so, if we want to implement something for next year, does that get enough time? 439 01:20:38.990 --> 01:20:44.290 What do you mean? We want to implement new applications for new programs next fall. 440 01:20:44.660 --> 01:21:02.190 D20 CEC20: But we have that time. There's no time to start new programs for the fall. Any new type of programming would not be able to be put in place until 2020, right, understand? But like application in the fall for next year for 2024 parents say, oh, there's a new program at sessions on school 441 01:21:02.190 --> 01:21:06.150 opening in the fall of 2,024. 442 01:21:07.430 --> 01:21:11.600 There was one question in the chat, actually at least one that I just wanted to 443 01:21:11.700 --> 01:21:16.930 D20 CEC20: a question of the school quality reports. Do you know, when those get updated. 444 01:21:16.950 --> 01:21:28.450 D20 CEC20: you really do you know, like one month the question, or just wanted to know when I don't know the exact, but it's a different date every year. But I can get back to you. Okay? 445 01:21:29.030 --> 01:21:36.570 D20 CEC20: Okay for each school. You mean like it's kind of they're all They're all published at the same time. But the date 446 01:21:36.580 --> 01:21:42.670 it varies. It's about the same ton of year every year. Okay, but we're not sure anything. Yeah. Okay. 447 01:21:43.010 --> 01:21:49.130 D20 CEC20: And then i'm just going to ask another question in the chat. 448 01:21:55.320 --> 01:22:01.820 Okay, just a quick, quick call question in the chat. How is the mandated curriculum of the do we going to solve the problem of access? 449 01:22:01.880 --> 01:22:13.870 D20 CEC20: And is there financial support for this curriculum for implementing this, this curriculum from the theories. And it was one of the I think, you guys, I think we were already using parts of our district we are already using. Yeah. 450 01:22:13.930 --> 01:22:33.240 D20 CEC20: but it and it's now a chance. Those list of 3 options as it was as it has been since for the last few years. Okay? Oh, is your financial support, and how does it solve the problem of access, I guess, is the 2 of the questions from the chat great question. So to address the first question around, how does it solve the access question? So the curriculum 451 01:22:34.350 --> 01:22:36.640 D20 CEC20: he is aligned to the standards. 452 01:22:37.060 --> 01:22:40.730 D20 CEC20: and each unit of study 453 01:22:41.500 --> 01:22:59.680 D20 CEC20: engages students in several different texts that are all at or around the grade level. So teachers Don't, have the the burden or otherwise, of having to search, seek out and identify texts that are aligned to the grade level. In the case where the curriculum that they're using does not provide that 454 01:22:59.680 --> 01:23:06.240 D20 CEC20: guide them to to do that this curriculum does, and it also. 455 01:23:07.920 --> 01:23:25.400 D20 CEC20: and and in terms of the financial support it. I'll explain this. So the short answer is, Yes, you know, through fair student funding and school allocations, All schools are provided with fair student funding to purchase curriculum materials as well as what we call missile or New York State tax, letting money. So not just 456 01:23:25.420 --> 01:23:38.110 D20 CEC20: fair student funding, which is New York City tax loving Monday, but also New York City tax loving money that is slated specifically for the use of percent of your materials, you know. For you know, books online. 457 01:23:40.210 --> 01:23:56.660 D20 CEC20: we all have licenses for students. All of these curriculum options include digital licenses, but but also include our copy materials. So schools are provided with funds to purchase these and through the core curriculum ordering process, which is the 458 01:23:56.660 --> 01:24:12.930 D20 CEC20: method by which schools are provided the opportunity to purchase approved materials by the Department of Education. They're able to utilize these ones and plans, and early on, so that they have those materials prior to the beginning of the school year. 459 01:24:13.310 --> 01:24:24.340 D20 CEC20: which is one of the keyness, and which is really key in this effort, because some schools are going to be new to this curriculum. So the spring planning and support, and that multi-tiered system. 460 01:24:24.340 --> 01:24:33.650 D20 CEC20: and approach for supporting schools and implementing the quickly, successfully starting in September is really key for having these materials in hand, you know. 461 01:24:34.120 --> 01:24:36.810 I like to. 462 01:24:37.310 --> 01:24:46.160 D20 CEC20: So let me clarify. So every school in this district you, you give them the freedom to choose how to teach the math, or how to teach language 463 01:24:46.590 --> 01:24:48.400 D20 CEC20: in their way. 464 01:24:48.420 --> 01:25:04.860 D20 CEC20: But you know how we use tasks in the format in some of the schools. Is it a possible that they have to teach, sing format, or like like one kind of way? Or do you give them freedom to choose what math you want to learn this year in? In in reading 465 01:25:04.860 --> 01:25:24.420 D20 CEC20: all schools will be using the inter reading curriculum or the into literature curriculum in in that, so in math there are a variety of program. There's not a huge variety, but there is programs. My My demand is that all schools are utilizing a standards online curriculum, and with 466 01:25:24.420 --> 01:25:35.800 with a few. And when I say a few. So a small, with a few small exceptions, all schools are so in terms of the curriculum that schools are using. That's not the the huge issue in math. 467 01:25:35.800 --> 01:25:55.560 D20 CEC20: implementation and teaching practice in the use of that curriculum was the issue. So we do have a a small number of schools who will be switching their math curriculum. But it's not a district-wide, and need at this time, because I've come to a partnership fighting where you go into the school, and you see how they're teaching. And then I was finding very confusing 468 01:25:56.030 --> 01:26:00.970 D20 CEC20: how they were teaching math in the particular school, so I was just wondering. 469 01:26:01.290 --> 01:26:11.870 D20 CEC20: So when you, when you personally have a new curriculum, are you going to let parents be able to take these classes or longer in the classroom to learn how you're going to teach them. 470 01:26:11.870 --> 01:26:28.360 D20 CEC20: I I definitely tend to engage the community, and I expect the principal to engage the community around the the curriculum materials that they're going to be using, moving forward when and how that looks. I would like stay tuned on that, just because, just to be perfectly honest. 471 01:26:28.360 --> 01:26:50.410 D20 CEC20: There are many schools who are currently engaging in that work themselves, so I would expect them to be able to kind of get used to it and learn it, and know before they engage parents. But not but I will be involved in connecting CC. Around the curriculum. So that's something that I will do for for this group here. 472 01:26:50.850 --> 01:27:00.960 D20 CEC20: Yeah, i'm feeling this and they can. I said the map. I was so confused I was just but hopefully that you guys will be able to have classes to tutor the parents and also to 473 01:27:01.180 --> 01:27:04.710 D20 CEC20: more instruction for the kids to really get it. 474 01:27:04.760 --> 01:27:15.470 I'll definitely be able to share around into reading and into literature. So that's something that i'll be able to, you know. Bring some folks here to be able to speak more specifically to the components of the curriculum. And what that will look like 475 01:27:16.780 --> 01:27:32.380 D20 CEC20: as far as the math goes. Yeah, yeah, I got you. Maybe we could. Maybe we could. We could talk offline, and I can get some more specifics because I I have no problem bringing someone to support, and especially on that. But I want to make sure I bring that the right person. Yeah. And then Chancellor 476 01:27:32.380 --> 01:27:43.400 D20 CEC20: also say, there's going to be new algebra, a new standard and algebra curriculum. My understanding is that there my understanding is that that will happen in high school like in ninth grade. I want to say 477 01:27:52.430 --> 01:27:55.060 Council members any other questions for Dr. Credit. 478 01:28:00.310 --> 01:28:05.960 Okay. thanks, David. The 479 01:28:07.360 --> 01:28:09.870 next on the agenda is 480 01:28:10.080 --> 01:28:13.990 D20 CEC20: the Court of Council President. I'll just make some quick comments. 481 01:28:17.620 --> 01:28:23.970 D20 CEC20: There's a couple of groups that a few of us are participating in. I'm. On the 482 01:28:23.970 --> 01:28:40.110 D20 CEC20: There's the the class size law that I referenced earlier, and there's a citywide working group. We had our first meeting today. This is going to come up with a set of recommendations. We're going to be meeting over this, excluding several months. This will go into the fall 483 01:28:40.110 --> 01:28:49.670 D20 CEC20: when the class size working group will propose a plan that the law requires a plan on how to implement the class size law, and 484 01:28:50.000 --> 01:28:50.750 this 485 01:28:51.320 --> 01:29:07.760 D20 CEC20: it's a huge group. There's 60 members it sort of cuts across parents. And do we do? We are there as sort of observers and sort of sharing information about official numbers. 486 01:29:07.760 --> 01:29:13.490 D20 CEC20: nonprofit organization. I could see Group the part of the group, and we talked. You know the meeting today was. 487 01:29:13.550 --> 01:29:24.730 D20 CEC20: you know a lot of sort of introductory stuff. But then getting into a little bit of the the data on the current average class size, and it's no surprise to anyone in this room. That district 20 is 488 01:29:24.740 --> 01:29:43.430 D20 CEC20: one of the most we're not the most overcrowded district, but we're one of the most and and sort of breaking down the the implications of that. And it was interesting. Today. Some of the conversation conversation centered around impact on 489 01:29:43.430 --> 01:29:44.820 things like 490 01:29:44.850 --> 01:29:59.930 D20 CEC20: Icc classes impact on things like, you know. Certainly the financial considerations are considerable with With this I think that's no surprise that it's going to be very expensive to comment. 491 01:30:01.010 --> 01:30:08.730 D20 CEC20: So sca is also part of this this working group, Sca. And the office of school facilities. 492 01:30:08.730 --> 01:30:21.060 D20 CEC20: the the division of Finance controller's office, so it's. It's it's a large group. And we're we're going to sort of nominate 2 Co-chairs next week and then sort of proceed, and I do not 493 01:30:21.320 --> 01:30:24.370 principal. I was also on the group as well from district. 494 01:30:25.800 --> 01:30:33.060 D20 CEC20: And then there's also an office of district planning working team that's that's 495 01:30:33.530 --> 01:30:52.430 D20 CEC20: it's underway right now. This is related to the new school opening in District 20 and 2024 there, you know, myself and 3 other council members have all been part of it, and we're having regular meetings, and what I just like to encourage. And we've we've just started doing some outreach with different schools is. 496 01:30:52.480 --> 01:30:54.840 D20 CEC20: if you're a school 497 01:30:54.980 --> 01:31:10.970 D20 CEC20: in the vicinity. If you're a parent at a school in the neighborhood of any of these new schools that are opening, please, we're going to be reaching out to your your elected school representatives, and and please feel free to share thoughts and comments with us. I'll just quickly share my screen to 498 01:31:11.510 --> 01:31:26.890 D20 CEC20: to show what whatever referencing here. So the screen shows. This is just for the 2 elementary schools that are opening, and it shows the the purple shaded areas are what the opposite district. Planning thinks are going to be the most impacted elementary schools 499 01:31:26.950 --> 01:31:39.210 D20 CEC20: by the 2 elementary schools opening at 2024, and so we're, you know, working with right now. It's really just information gathering, trying to get feedback from different tools on. 500 01:31:39.490 --> 01:31:50.310 D20 CEC20: Yeah, how they might feel about a change in Z. And You know, we're definitely considering a lot of things, including transportation, including the capacity of certain schools 501 01:31:50.370 --> 01:32:01.140 D20 CEC20: and the timing for for this process will last into the follow, and and the Cdc. At that time will be the ones to vote on any new zoning for 502 01:32:01.140 --> 01:32:17.060 D20 CEC20: zoning. Legalization changes. So please any any parents who have thoughts on on the new schools. There's 2 new schools. One is at the post called the Angel Guardian Site, Thirteenth Avenue. I think it's like around Sixtieth Street. 503 01:32:17.060 --> 01:32:29.430 D20 CEC20: and then the the other one is the Third Avenue of Bay, which it's called the Doctors, off the site. It's also in the mid 60 S. And Bay Ridge. So please 504 01:32:29.430 --> 01:32:37.090 D20 CEC20: to email us. Let us know any feedback from concerns around the new schools opening or or sort of hope to grow something you like to see. 505 01:32:37.200 --> 01:32:57.020 D20 CEC20: and then i'll just lastly mention. Of course it's Cdc. Election time, and I encourage all parents to vote in the Cdc. Elections, as has been told by hopefully, everyone's heard from their schools and from the DOE a lot about what you have to do to vote. But essentially you have to have a Nixon account. 506 01:32:57.600 --> 01:32:58.660 and 507 01:33:00.500 --> 01:33:04.390 i'll just share what the screen should look like, and you should be able to 508 01:33:06.740 --> 01:33:09.990 with me here about minutes. 509 01:33:16.020 --> 01:33:35.730 D20 CEC20: You know everyone. This is this is the login screen. So every parent who wants to vote will go to your next. The New York City schools account block and page or log in, and will be able to do the voting in your exit account, depending on what district you live in, depending on what, whether your students are students with ips just to English language learners 510 01:33:35.730 --> 01:33:40.740 D20 CEC20: in high school. So my voting starts Friday. 511 01:33:43.330 --> 01:33:48.990 D20 CEC20: Those are all my comments, although actually, maybe now is a good time to introduce. 512 01:33:49.290 --> 01:34:06.530 D20 CEC20: So there's another item I want to add to the agenda. That's not officially on the agenda, but it's it's a proposed by law, and then then. So I just want to make a motion, and for anyone who's not familiar listening bylaw amendments, they get introduced, and it kicks off a 30 day 513 01:34:06.870 --> 01:34:26.710 D20 CEC20: public comment process. So we're just if we even if we introduce it tonight, it's not going to go, if nothing's getting voted on until next month. So I just want to make a motion. Is there a motion to sort of introduce a the Bylaw amendment? And I shared this with all Council members yesterday to make a chance to see that 514 01:34:26.820 --> 01:34:35.630 D20 CEC20: this is the amendment to propose changing the order of our calendar meetings to move up public speaking. So it's our motion to introduce that. 515 01:34:35.660 --> 01:34:38.030 D20 CEC20: But to the 516 01:34:38.230 --> 01:34:39.580 to the meeting agenda 517 01:34:45.160 --> 01:34:51.320 D20 CEC20: it's me, Jen. I can make you think I might have missed someone who's online? Was there a motion to add that to the agenda? 518 01:34:51.980 --> 01:34:53.910 D20 CEC20: I like to make a motion? 519 01:34:53.990 --> 01:35:06.700 D20 CEC20: Your motion? Thanks, God! Is there a second? I apologize. I'm not hearing anyone online. And you're speaking. You might be having an issue with the speaker in the room. But so let's do veto. Can you hear me 520 01:35:09.060 --> 01:35:20.080 D20 CEC20: actually. And I don't even think this needs a vote. All we're doing is just introducing it. We're going to post it on the Cec website because we're not approving it. So i'll just share it quickly. 521 01:35:20.250 --> 01:35:22.760 D20 CEC20: so everyone can see it. 522 01:35:33.780 --> 01:35:35.680 D20 CEC20: Your feet. Okay. 523 01:35:41.130 --> 01:35:47.310 D20 CEC20: 1 s, everyone. Thank you for your patience. Okay. 524 01:35:54.710 --> 01:35:55.430 D20 CEC20: Yeah. 525 01:35:56.750 --> 01:36:13.780 D20 CEC20: So the proposed amendment I'm. Just sharing that i'm sharing the existing. This is another draft of our bylaws, not the current bylaws. It is the current bylaws but I've included the proposed amendment. So a current order of business at Calendar meetings is in black, and we can see that it's got the 526 01:36:13.780 --> 01:36:21.590 D20 CEC20: call to order and roll call approval of minutes, or report a president where usually that goes after superintendent. So we're changing that as well. 527 01:36:21.690 --> 01:36:23.330 D20 CEC20: Report of committees. 528 01:36:23.390 --> 01:36:29.300 D20 CEC20: resolutions, public Speaker session, public speaking from should be before resolutions. So we're changing that as well. 529 01:36:29.380 --> 01:36:47.720 D20 CEC20: and then vote on resolutions, and then adjourning to me. So i'm proposing that we change the order of business at calendar meetings, which can honestly be changed any time, as you can see in the language, except from otherwise this President, but just to formalize it and put it in our in our bylaws. 530 01:36:47.920 --> 01:37:04.690 D20 CEC20: In this moving the public speaking session really came about. Kevin Za on the Council has suggested this several times. Parents will show up in meetings, and a lot of times the meetings can can run a few hours, and sometimes parents have to leave. And so the idea is to put a public speaking session right up front 531 01:37:04.730 --> 01:37:13.500 D20 CEC20: at the meeting right when we start the meeting, and that way. Everyone who's using attendance at the beginning of the meeting can hear the public concern. Because that really is. 532 01:37:13.590 --> 01:37:23.130 D20 CEC20: you know, as parent of representatives. That really is why we're here and sort of where we that's our work. Our work is to hear the public, and 533 01:37:23.330 --> 01:37:32.450 D20 CEC20: and and if meetings can run until 8 or 90'clock at night. Sometimes we can always get all the input that we'd like to have. So that's one that's one proposal. And 534 01:37:32.560 --> 01:37:50.310 D20 CEC20: there's just to put this into discussion right now. There's reasons to think twice about this, you know, if we typically, when we have speakers come, if we have speakers from the DOE or the elected officials that will push them back in the meeting agenda. 535 01:37:50.310 --> 01:38:05.790 D20 CEC20: It will push. David's report back. You know we'll push everything if we have a half hour public speaking session at the beginning. So let's just keep that in mind. I'm just really open to seeing what everyone thinks, and if any members of the public want to weigh in over the next 30 days. 536 01:38:05.910 --> 01:38:20.190 D20 CEC20: so that would be. The proposal is move the public speaking session, and I've called it the General Speaking session up in the meeting agenda right at right up front after we get through the administrative announcements. Then we go to the report of the superintendent then reported our Council President 537 01:38:20.300 --> 01:38:22.020 D20 CEC20: report of any committees. 538 01:38:22.490 --> 01:38:33.190 D20 CEC20: Then we, I do think we should keep a second public speaking session just on the resolutions, if and so, that could continue to come at the end of the meeting right before we discuss and vote on the resolutions. 539 01:38:33.290 --> 01:38:44.900 D20 CEC20: So that's the proposal it will be introduced. It's now introduced to this meeting. A host will close to our website, and and in May we'll discuss it, and potentially vote 540 01:38:44.970 --> 01:38:47.080 D20 CEC20: any questions on that. 541 01:38:49.820 --> 01:38:52.400 D20 CEC20: Anyone on line saying, okay, okay. 542 01:38:52.560 --> 01:38:53.140 sure. 543 01:38:53.350 --> 01:39:01.560 D20 CEC20: Thanks a lot. So that's introduced. That's all I have. So Councilmember Jonathan a. Sufi Yona. Are you ready for your promise? 544 01:39:02.270 --> 01:39:03.220 Jona Isufi: Yeah. 545 01:39:04.760 --> 01:39:06.470 Jona Isufi: Okay. 546 01:39:06.500 --> 01:39:12.500 Jona Isufi: 1 s you wanna just hold off 1 s. You want it. We just have to get the speaker working here. 547 01:39:13.130 --> 01:39:13.700 Yeah. 548 01:39:27.350 --> 01:39:29.490 she's kind of the owner. 549 01:39:30.770 --> 01:39:32.650 Jona Isufi: Hi, Can you guys hear me? 550 01:39:33.470 --> 01:39:41.930 D20 CEC20: Sorry, Everyone: yeah. Online we're share with us. We're just having an issue here at the school with hearing 551 01:39:51.170 --> 01:39:51.880 us. 552 01:40:02.510 --> 01:40:08.940 D20 CEC20: So a reminder will be doing the public speaking session after you know, speaks, and if anyone would like to speed. 553 01:40:10.420 --> 01:40:27.250 D20 CEC20: you can sign up using the form that's been posted in the chat. There will also be questions from the anyone on interpretation lines, and if anyone has dialed into the meeting, using their phones. You can dial star night and we will. 554 01:40:38.870 --> 01:40:51.870 Yeah, I think your commitment is. and just relate this to here. It's that's okay. What's that. So we are, for now we could just mute this, and you could just some of it with the volume, and then everything 555 01:40:52.500 --> 01:40:55.850 D20 CEC20: so 20 we're gonna to it. And you a. Now. 556 01:40:57.290 --> 01:40:59.200 Jona Isufi: Hello! Can you guys hear me? 557 01:41:05.410 --> 01:41:08.300 D20 CEC20: Go ahead. I think we can hear you now. 558 01:41:08.810 --> 01:41:10.760 Jona Isufi: Okay, Hi. Everyone 559 01:41:11.050 --> 01:41:17.590 Jona Isufi: as always a pleasure attending this meetings and getting all this information. 560 01:41:17.850 --> 01:41:20.990 Jona Isufi: I would like to share my screen 561 01:41:22.550 --> 01:41:25.100 Jona Isufi: so I could give you 562 01:41:27.090 --> 01:41:30.790 Jona Isufi: the update. Do you guys see my screen? 563 01:41:32.370 --> 01:41:33.040 D20 CEC20: Yeah. 564 01:41:33.520 --> 01:41:36.800 Jona Isufi: yes, okay. Thank you for confirming 565 01:41:36.810 --> 01:41:48.150 Jona Isufi: for all of you, Don't, who don't know I am part of the Citywide Wellness Advisory Council. This is a working group with different members of 566 01:41:48.370 --> 01:41:55.460 Jona Isufi: throughout the city. So it's not limited to district 20 or only Brooklyn 567 01:41:55.560 --> 01:42:06.760 Jona Isufi: every month the topics of discussion vary. So in the March meeting. The focus was on the school food and nutrition. 568 01:42:08.460 --> 01:42:09.610 Jona Isufi: With 569 01:42:09.780 --> 01:42:11.300 Jona Isufi: this 570 01:42:11.520 --> 01:42:25.590 Jona Isufi: the slogan for this one was good school food and nutrition, good for our bodies, good for the arts. I will not go through all the slides in detail. However, I would like to show you 571 01:42:25.700 --> 01:42:29.340 Jona Isufi: what the main topics were in this meeting 572 01:42:34.950 --> 01:42:38.280 Jona Isufi: our last meeting. 573 01:42:38.710 --> 01:42:41.450 Jona Isufi: our February meeting, we'll focus on 574 01:42:41.480 --> 01:42:53.190 Jona Isufi: our physical activities. So throughout all the months that we are meeting every topic, changes and rotates, and all the parents that are part 575 01:42:53.260 --> 01:42:58.040 Jona Isufi: have a chance to share their opinions on different topics. 576 01:42:59.060 --> 01:43:06.030 Jona Isufi: Our schools offer a powerful opportunity to curb hunger, prevent obesity, and help students develop healthy habits 577 01:43:06.170 --> 01:43:09.290 Jona Isufi: that are good for our planet. Oh. 578 01:43:09.320 --> 01:43:17.580 Jona Isufi: we know that the administration before, during and after the school day are strongly correlated with positive to the outcome. 579 01:43:20.220 --> 01:43:22.670 Jona Isufi: So one of the things that 580 01:43:23.340 --> 01:43:30.500 Jona Isufi: really out to me was our first topic: Access to drinking water. As 581 01:43:30.720 --> 01:43:33.550 Jona Isufi: my profession is a chemist. 582 01:43:33.560 --> 01:43:46.650 Jona Isufi: and I work in a toxicological firm. So one of the things that I pointed out during our meeting was the access to water record. And how often does the testing happen? 583 01:43:46.750 --> 01:43:50.440 Jona Isufi: Further More, I was able to 584 01:43:50.710 --> 01:43:55.620 Jona Isufi: have a quick interview with the 585 01:43:55.840 --> 01:44:02.280 Jona Isufi: person responsible at oh, that's 1 70, the school where my children will still 586 01:44:02.440 --> 01:44:05.470 Jona Isufi: about what is the process 587 01:44:05.640 --> 01:44:09.720 Jona Isufi: and what is your organization? 588 01:44:19.870 --> 01:44:21.940 Jona Isufi: I don't like it from me or you guys. Okay? 589 01:44:22.010 --> 01:44:31.080 Jona Isufi: So, as I was saying, I was able to talk to our firemen in Ts. 1 70 with is also in charge of. 590 01:44:31.170 --> 01:44:35.040 Jona Isufi: you know, safety heating, slamming, and maintenance. 591 01:44:35.170 --> 01:44:51.520 Jona Isufi: What I was really interested was the water filtration system, because during the meetings a lot of the parents from various districts of New York City kept pointing out, If there are any guidelines about water treatment. 592 01:44:51.970 --> 01:45:11.830 Jona Isufi: so I am sure that a lot of our schools, if not all of them in our district, do their due diligence, however, for the parents that are on the call. I wanted to show what a P. S. 1 70 does in regards to the water filtration. So every morning every Monday morning 593 01:45:11.990 --> 01:45:20.080 Jona Isufi: because of the weekend. because the water is run and flashed the water for the drinking fountain. 594 01:45:20.220 --> 01:45:31.370 Jona Isufi: and the process starts by the furthest point which in that particular school is the fifth floor floor, and then the water is around for 10 min to till it gets cold, and then they run it again 595 01:45:31.420 --> 01:45:42.630 Jona Isufi: about 1 min. It is important to do this flushing of the water, because. you know, since Friday afternoon, through Monday morning none of the 596 01:45:43.080 --> 01:45:54.420 Jona Isufi: what our fountains are being used because the school is closed. By doing that step It means that all the water has been changed, and it is all fresh water through the pipe. 597 01:45:54.690 --> 01:46:05.330 Jona Isufi: The the water that flash is also not just for the drinking fountain, but also the water that is being used in the kitchen 598 01:46:05.340 --> 01:46:07.220 Jona Isufi: to prepare the food. 599 01:46:07.440 --> 01:46:22.940 Jona Isufi: The school is equipped with bottle. Fill fountain. Those are new file water fountains in the school, and they actually have replaceable filters which are Ch. Change typically every 3 months. 600 01:46:23.110 --> 01:46:40.370 Jona Isufi: if not sooner. This water fountains also have, like a clear signal that indicates if the water filter needs to be Ch. A change sooner. I actually saw a one water filter, and it it is good 601 01:46:40.370 --> 01:46:43.920 Jona Isufi: to filter through 3,000 gallons of water. 602 01:46:44.070 --> 01:46:47.080 Jona Isufi: This specific phone system. 603 01:46:47.240 --> 01:46:57.180 Jona Isufi: which should be installed in most of the school by now. They are part of the environmental initiative to save the usage of plastic. 604 01:46:57.210 --> 01:47:00.010 Jona Isufi: So basically when we send our children with. 605 01:47:00.870 --> 01:47:14.430 Jona Isufi: you know, like the our, their services, or you know their individual bottles instead of the standard water bottles. They can refill them, using this, but of feel 606 01:47:16.540 --> 01:47:28.500 Jona Isufi: also again, this being from my own profession, water testing is very crucial and important. So our system of 607 01:47:28.610 --> 01:47:40.680 Jona Isufi: water in all our schools throughout the city. They do go through water testing for heavy metals. which is done typically once a year. and when this process happens. 608 01:47:40.760 --> 01:47:55.960 Jona Isufi: usually somebody has to be available since 3 am. Because the do, a team comes and doesn't access the an extensive checking protocol or full fountains of all sources, and also 609 01:47:56.380 --> 01:48:01.800 Jona Isufi: the school keeps a record of specific testing that's being done. 610 01:48:01.820 --> 01:48:06.500 Jona Isufi: and you could potentially go to the 611 01:48:07.110 --> 01:48:13.870 Jona Isufi: school. So the Zoe website and specifically look for the most recent water reports. 612 01:48:14.120 --> 01:48:18.800 Jona Isufi: Again, the reason why I am really emphasizing this 613 01:48:18.900 --> 01:48:25.060 Jona Isufi: is because this was one of the main points, and we all know that 614 01:48:25.230 --> 01:48:41.200 Jona Isufi: obviously drinking water is one of our main basic necessities, and making sure to relate to all parents in the community that view, it does take a serious effort to provide safe 615 01:48:41.240 --> 01:49:00.810 Jona Isufi: drinking water to our children, and due to access. I did reach out to a team member of Ps. 170, as that is the closest school I could get to, but I am sure that the principals in the call could a test that their own schools also go through a rigorous system. 616 01:49:00.950 --> 01:49:05.420 Jona Isufi: Apart from drinking water, we focused a lot on 617 01:49:05.530 --> 01:49:14.560 Jona Isufi: the eating and the time the children have to eat again. From personal experience I am very satisfied with our school because 618 01:49:14.560 --> 01:49:32.610 Jona Isufi: they do run a very on point lunch system. I am sure a lot of people who work in the school. They know that creating those schedules is a challenge to fit various lunch periods between the teaching time. 619 01:49:32.700 --> 01:49:44.270 Jona Isufi: But again, it is a Testament that a lot of our schools in District 20 really have an effort of staff that, you know, go through those steps. 620 01:49:44.340 --> 01:49:54.490 Jona Isufi: Unfortunately, there were parents there from other districts that we're complaining, because in some schools, Apparently children do not get to eat until it's maybe. 621 01:49:56.490 --> 01:50:00.970 Jona Isufi: or 3, you know. It was 30'clock which really made no sense. 622 01:50:01.010 --> 01:50:06.690 Jona Isufi: so that those were some notes that definitely everybody involved was 623 01:50:06.950 --> 01:50:08.370 Jona Isufi: concern about 624 01:50:09.770 --> 01:50:17.860 Jona Isufi: also 3 and 4. We're about improving consumption of school meals and link between food and sustainability. 625 01:50:19.260 --> 01:50:23.970 Jona Isufi: We did have representative from the office of 626 01:50:24.680 --> 01:50:28.750 Jona Isufi: food and the trees and services and office of sustainability. 627 01:50:28.860 --> 01:50:31.920 Jona Isufi: and they shared with us 628 01:50:32.450 --> 01:50:34.100 Jona Isufi: their experience 629 01:50:36.900 --> 01:50:43.460 Jona Isufi: very quick statistics. There are 26 city wide menus. There is over 500 recipes. 630 01:50:43.500 --> 01:50:54.900 Jona Isufi: We do have 1,800 schools, in our system which equals more than 900,000 students, and about 800,000 meals that are prepared daily. 631 01:50:55.160 --> 01:50:57.480 Jona Isufi: We all know. 632 01:51:35.910 --> 01:51:37.560 Jonah. Sorry 633 01:51:38.300 --> 01:51:41.060 D20 CEC20: we can't hear you anymore. Yona, Can you hear me 634 01:51:42.390 --> 01:51:42.980 D20 CEC20: the 635 01:51:45.370 --> 01:51:46.180 D20 CEC20: to 636 01:51:48.930 --> 01:51:51.440 D20 CEC20: apologies. It looks like you. 637 01:51:51.760 --> 01:51:57.010 D20 CEC20: I guess. Hi, everyone did. I just 638 01:51:58.390 --> 01:52:00.190 Jona Isufi: did you that most 639 01:52:01.090 --> 01:52:06.510 D20 CEC20: okay. I'm sorry. I didn't even realize that. Okay. 640 01:52:06.840 --> 01:52:17.220 Jona Isufi: So I was saying that sustainability is also an important part when we think of food and nutrition, especially in trying to do the best that we can in the effort, you know. 641 01:52:17.280 --> 01:52:19.310 Jona Isufi: for our environment. 642 01:52:20.590 --> 01:52:21.620 Jona Isufi: and 643 01:52:22.710 --> 01:52:35.340 Jona Isufi: very quickly the the breakfast menu. They feature seasonal fresh fruits, local dairy items, all the inklore fat, high, 5 or unlimited sugar items. 644 01:52:35.440 --> 01:52:43.610 Jona Isufi: and that no sugar it through Juliet, is offered in our school. I really think that this is important to know 645 01:52:43.880 --> 01:52:58.480 Jona Isufi: some of the highlights, and these were things that they really were exercising when it came to the food that Mondays are meet last Monday, and then they have planned powered. Friday. The V is 646 01:52:59.490 --> 01:53:03.490 Jona Isufi: designate vegetarian items and the Vegan items. 647 01:53:03.670 --> 01:53:12.350 Jona Isufi: New York and locally source products are highlighted in green again. They try to have fresh season of fruits and vegetables. 648 01:53:12.940 --> 01:53:26.180 Jona Isufi: whole grain, or it high fiber, low, fat, unlimited sugar. When it's it's chicken, it's car certified antibiotic free and you mainly raised with vegetarian or animal by product feed. 649 01:53:26.360 --> 01:53:30.540 Jona Isufi: When they serve hamburgers they're 100% beef. 650 01:53:31.070 --> 01:53:35.970 Jona Isufi: We have 4 free lunches. Dolly needs are no longer offered. 651 01:53:36.030 --> 01:53:43.980 Jona Isufi: Multiple menu options are all for daily salad bars or for daily. This is a very general list. 652 01:53:44.670 --> 01:53:59.300 Jona Isufi: because obviously different schools than if you're, you know, elementary versus middle school versus high school, so the way the food is also changes. So this was a very general. 653 01:54:01.060 --> 01:54:12.260 Jona Isufi: you know, Summary. However, they do have a survey that I can have. Kevin, you know. Send out this link to everybody, but 654 01:54:12.280 --> 01:54:19.200 Jona Isufi: it is important for parents. Input. So they do have a survey that's given in 9 languages 655 01:54:23.040 --> 01:54:35.770 Jona Isufi: when it comes to plant powered Friday, even though a lot of parents said that this was a day where, unfortunately, most of the food is not eaten. 656 01:54:35.890 --> 01:54:48.200 Jona Isufi: This was part of their dedication to plan forward menu, so offering vegetarian and vegan items daily serving local seasonal fresh food and vegetables 657 01:54:48.240 --> 01:54:53.720 Jona Isufi: in order to reduce process needs and to increase plan based offerings 658 01:54:54.900 --> 01:54:58.580 D20 CEC20: so really quick the goal that 659 01:54:58.730 --> 01:55:04.250 Jona Isufi: how we, the you know, the food and nutrition have is to reduce weight waste. 660 01:55:06.090 --> 01:55:20.940 Jona Isufi: So let me know if you will use plastic. and they do that by having plastic freelance days to decarbonize buildings, to review submissions. Then you can do that by by having an electric kitchen and heating and cooling systems. 661 01:55:21.040 --> 01:55:23.960 Jona Isufi: and to reduce, reuse and recycled. 662 01:55:27.990 --> 01:55:30.480 Jona Isufi: Okay, I will not go through. 663 01:55:31.860 --> 01:55:44.640 Jona Isufi: So even though this for the opportunity for climate, action, and wellness. So that's where the increase plans forward, menu option takes in place to reduce the frequency of the from school menu 664 01:55:44.950 --> 01:55:50.360 Jona Isufi: to use some possible place, and you can cancel, and to the 665 01:55:50.400 --> 01:55:52.340 Jona Isufi: on plastic. 666 01:55:53.770 --> 01:56:11.280 Jona Isufi: They also, for everything that they serve. They do have very clear certifications. It is important for all of us to know that this is served in schools. Whether you know our kids like it or not, it does not have antibiotics ever. 667 01:56:11.280 --> 01:56:22.140 Jona Isufi: which is with the action, name and i. E. It. There are. You mainly raised there's 51% whole grain breeding. There are no soy fillers, no deep frying. 668 01:56:22.220 --> 01:56:27.020 Jona Isufi: and then it guarantees a product, a clean product label. 669 01:56:28.090 --> 01:56:33.370 D20 CEC20: Then they went into a typical, you know, meal for breakfast and lunch. 670 01:56:34.620 --> 01:56:36.220 D20 CEC20: We do 671 01:56:36.390 --> 01:56:38.310 Jona Isufi: try to have a balance. 672 01:56:38.750 --> 01:56:50.560 Jona Isufi: a meat, a balanced meal. I'm sorry which would have a meat or mid alternative grade, rain, vegetable fruits, and milk again the water access. 673 01:56:50.690 --> 01:57:01.430 Jona Isufi: One of the very cool things that it's happening in our schools that I have personally became recently aware is that 674 01:57:01.510 --> 01:57:07.370 Jona Isufi: they have a climate focus action day to reduce plastic waste. 675 01:57:07.790 --> 01:57:12.350 D20 CEC20: So there's a partnership with cafeteria call for an orbital for the lion. 676 01:57:12.430 --> 01:57:24.100 Jona Isufi: and there are days where we want to prefer that serve without plastic. These are some of the days, however, I know, for example, with Ps. 170, there is like one day a month. 677 01:57:24.250 --> 01:57:49.020 Jona Isufi: where, you know there's a plastic free day. Also. They have days a week where they will serve. Let's say most of the and no plastic will be offered on the day if kids are bringing lunch for home. It is advice that they are their their school aid for plastic, but you know, or that they pack their own from home. 678 01:57:49.020 --> 01:57:52.690 Jona Isufi: That is the cool. If you do the food that can be eaten without. 679 01:57:52.930 --> 01:58:03.260 Jona Isufi: you know utensils, and that will count towards the plastic free day. There. There are also not all of the sports, but there are, however. 680 01:58:03.330 --> 01:58:08.420 Jona Isufi: hello, menus and culture offerings. Those are specific sites 681 01:58:08.430 --> 01:58:15.150 Jona Isufi: which you can definitely find, you know, if you're who is offering about going to the website. 682 01:58:15.440 --> 01:58:22.040 Jona Isufi: They also try to accommodate food allergies. 683 01:58:22.240 --> 01:58:26.180 Jona Isufi: So product labels are provided upon request. 684 01:58:26.230 --> 01:58:44.870 Jona Isufi: There are also dietary medical accommodation where you'd need, like some, some, some kind of documentation. and for those that are, for example, lactose intolerance. There are alternative milk options. Again, some kind of a medical documentation is required. 685 01:58:44.970 --> 01:58:49.450 Jona Isufi: So the people working there, now that you actually need that. 686 01:58:50.440 --> 01:58:53.690 Jona Isufi: they also talk about 687 01:58:54.000 --> 01:59:02.860 Jona Isufi: transforming middle and high school cafeteria into more pleasant and welcoming spaces for students to enjoy. 688 01:59:03.090 --> 01:59:14.220 Jona Isufi: So that is the Ce. Ca cafeteria enhancement experience. So what what those real life we've seen. All the schools we go in High school 689 01:59:14.290 --> 01:59:19.660 Jona Isufi: will be, you know, self service, option. Manuscript is preferred by students. 690 01:59:19.740 --> 01:59:29.750 Jona Isufi: We could come with a faster service, a more modern style and new furniture. They also. 691 01:59:30.840 --> 01:59:32.450 Jona Isufi: you know. We also know that 692 01:59:32.460 --> 01:59:38.500 Jona Isufi: in our school with you know, our kids go and right back big sale. Some schools have vending machines. 693 01:59:39.940 --> 01:59:47.490 Jona Isufi: and of course we offer food as a rewards. for example, for filling out a 100% of the 694 01:59:47.620 --> 02:00:01.240 Jona Isufi: 2 surveys a couple of classes, you know one, the pizza party. So that'd be, you know, an effort from our school. So, in fact, you know, actually not the surveys using food as a 695 02:00:01.620 --> 02:00:25.590 Jona Isufi: Once when our schools do the purchases of the food, they do have some core values that are very important, such as health and nutrition, you know, supporting the local economies value of workforce, taking consideration, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. 696 02:00:26.310 --> 02:00:38.770 Jona Isufi: And then we work on some activities. So it's a very interactive group, and I would like to after this meeting. I would love to distribute this. 697 02:00:39.000 --> 02:00:45.770 Jona Isufi: you know your resources. So then maybe we can share them with our principals through our Pta. 698 02:00:45.860 --> 02:00:48.920 Jona Isufi: because it is very important that 699 02:00:48.970 --> 02:01:02.410 Jona Isufi: even though quite a few of us might have our own reservations about to serve this course. It is ported for us to be involved in form, and there there is quite a team of people out there 700 02:01:02.410 --> 02:01:17.790 Jona Isufi: that do work that this is their life's work. So I think it is worth it for all of us to fill out a food service, a survey. You can always check what's on the menu, and of course you can visit 701 02:01:17.810 --> 02:01:25.450 Jona Isufi: the various websites for the city. Wise Wellness policy group that this is the current working group 702 02:01:25.510 --> 02:01:28.930 Jona Isufi: as well as you get the previous annual report. 703 02:01:29.380 --> 02:01:39.830 Jona Isufi: The office of full wellness program. We can use Newsletter, and you know, getting formed. The what is the school wellness. 704 02:01:40.000 --> 02:01:42.430 Jona Isufi: We also have. 705 02:01:43.120 --> 02:01:48.590 Jona Isufi: as I said, water Act, as in schools, local school wellness policy. 706 02:01:48.770 --> 02:02:03.270 Jona Isufi: quite a lot of information out there to help out as parents when it comes to learning and finding out more when it comes to food and nutrition in our school. 707 02:02:03.560 --> 02:02:20.100 Jona Isufi: So I hope I didn't bore you with this very lengthy presentation. However, I do find it important that, as somebody who you know, it was my first time in a meeting like this, and decided. It is citywide. It does give us quite a good perspective 708 02:02:20.100 --> 02:02:30.390 Jona Isufi: on what's happening out there, so I will share the link with Kevin, and you know. I think it's a good opportunity for us to get more involved 709 02:02:30.430 --> 02:02:40.130 Jona Isufi: again. I welcome anyone whether you know you're a parent from you know District 20 or a principal having a question or a comment. 710 02:02:40.180 --> 02:02:48.880 Jona Isufi: so that I can relay them back in, you know, to the working team leaders of this group. Okay, Thank you so much, everyone. 711 02:02:50.370 --> 02:02:59.350 D20 CEC20: Thank you. That was great, really covering us up. You're getting a clause here. 712 02:03:00.450 --> 02:03:04.560 D20 CEC20: Any Council members have any questions for Yona, or want to share any any comments. 713 02:03:12.930 --> 02:03:17.620 D20 CEC20: Yeah, we we will definitely distribute that that. And the related information. 714 02:03:19.270 --> 02:03:29.880 D20 CEC20: So next on the agenda is our public speaking session. Just a reminder. If you'd like to speak there's a sign-up form that has been posted in the chat 715 02:03:30.500 --> 02:03:39.630 D20 CEC20: the normal rules of public speaking apply. You'll have 3 min. Please adhere to 716 02:03:39.660 --> 02:03:45.140 D20 CEC20: basic rules of decorum. 717 02:03:45.460 --> 02:04:00.420 D20 CEC20: Focus on ideas targeting individuals. But this is the best, you know, one of the best parts of the meeting, and we can hear from the public and sort of any comments or concerns that are out there. So Kath, do we have to sign up? Yes, we have Michelle, in fact. 718 02:04:00.760 --> 02:04:03.540 D20 CEC20: Okay, Go ahead, Michelle. If you've been on mute. 719 02:04:04.690 --> 02:04:05.530 Michelle Magnus: Hello. 720 02:04:06.400 --> 02:04:07.350 D20 CEC20: alright. 721 02:04:07.380 --> 02:04:12.050 D20 CEC20: Can you hear me? Can we just make sure we can hear you here 722 02:04:12.450 --> 02:04:17.410 D20 CEC20: corporations in tonight. We're having issues with this speaker here at the school. 723 02:04:17.820 --> 02:04:20.880 Michelle Magnus: Okay? Hello! Can you hear me? 724 02:04:21.810 --> 02:04:23.730 D20 CEC20: 1 s, Michelle? 725 02:04:23.790 --> 02:04:24.540 Michelle Magnus: Okay. 726 02:04:34.700 --> 02:04:35.270 Okay. 727 02:04:45.190 --> 02:04:45.780 Okay. 728 02:04:47.080 --> 02:04:49.360 D20 CEC20: You' to speak. Michelle, can you speak? 729 02:04:49.730 --> 02:04:50.880 Michelle Magnus: Yes, hello. 730 02:04:52.850 --> 02:04:54.060 We hear you now. 731 02:04:54.080 --> 02:05:09.270 Michelle Magnus: Okay, perfect, okay, perfect. So thank you for always answering our questions. This Isn't: really towards the district, because I do think Dr. Pto is doing a great job. This is more of my issue with the DOE, 732 02:05:09.650 --> 02:05:14.420 Michelle Magnus: So our school, particularly, is changing its curriculum because of the new mandate. 733 02:05:14.890 --> 02:05:27.900 Michelle Magnus: and it's costing a lot of money which thank you for answering. Yes, I think actually the principal told us to have some money coming towards her. But this is just like a general assessment I have regarding the deal, and how it how it operates. 734 02:05:27.970 --> 02:05:29.530 and basically 735 02:05:29.680 --> 02:05:36.840 Michelle Magnus: just hearing some of the information, too, about like schools, not implementing curriculums properly, or that they don't have the budgets to implement it. 736 02:05:37.110 --> 02:05:47.860 Michelle Magnus: or for whatever reason. But it seems like professional development days are a big part of a school having a teacher successfully implement programs right? 737 02:05:47.950 --> 02:06:02.020 Michelle Magnus: And I just can't I? It just don't understand how the DOE doesn't have something where they contract with these programs that they're providing for all teachers to have access to professional development days throughout the year 738 02:06:02.050 --> 02:06:13.880 Michelle Magnus: instead of it coming out of school. Individual budgets a school like our school, which isn't common in our district, and not be a non title, one school to be a title one school. 739 02:06:14.000 --> 02:06:23.380 Michelle Magnus: you know our our budgets very limited, and so when we have to constantly pay for professional development days, this takes away from 740 02:06:23.410 --> 02:06:31.100 Michelle Magnus: a a child getting a a an aid, or us having enough lunch Aids or us having enough resources. 741 02:06:31.230 --> 02:06:37.860 Michelle Magnus: and our our budgets constantly being reevaluated on. How can we have these resources that other schools have 742 02:06:37.890 --> 02:06:42.020 Michelle Magnus: so just something that the DOE, I think fails is is the 743 02:06:42.380 --> 02:06:44.860 Michelle Magnus: is programs like this, where They're not 744 02:06:46.030 --> 02:07:00.860 Michelle Magnus: using their own resources to get a better deal on like a professional development day that all teachers need. All schools need. It's something that I would like to see more happening. Especially we're going to be going through a new dish curriculum change. 745 02:07:00.860 --> 02:07:08.870 Michelle Magnus: And so I know our teachers are going to need that, and it seems like they're trying to start it sooner than later. But then they're going to need it throughout the whole year, like every other school, right. 746 02:07:08.960 --> 02:07:12.160 Michelle Magnus: and then also just for scaffolding purposes. 747 02:07:13.410 --> 02:07:25.220 Michelle Magnus: I I know what this I think it's. FDA comes on and speaks, but just holding them more accountable for like a timeline, because our scaffolding just went up. And now we are 748 02:07:25.420 --> 02:07:41.840 Michelle Magnus: going to probably be like this for 4 years, and so I think that one of the PP meetings that we're talking about, holding them more accountable for doing projects and finishing them. So I encourage you to also hold them accountable for when they say they're going to do something, get it done, and and hold them accountable. 749 02:07:41.840 --> 02:07:46.790 Michelle Magnus: cause Yes, this is going to be, i'm sure a few years longer than what they say. It's going to be 750 02:07:48.120 --> 02:07:52.140 Michelle Magnus: so. That's my note. Thank you very much, and thank you all for your hard work. 751 02:07:52.680 --> 02:08:15.850 D20 CEC20: Thanks for this. I just want to click on it. So typically a meetings we we hear about the public speak, and we don't the response back and forth. Tonight we only have one speaker sign up to speak, Michelle. And so, because of the limited number of speakers we'll just allow superintendent to respond directly to her comments. So go ahead. Thanks. And Michelle thanks for the comments and thanks for always coming and and sharing 752 02:08:16.010 --> 02:08:23.750 D20 CEC20: the the perspective. So in terms of the funding every year. All schools dedicate significant amount of funding to curriculum. 753 02:08:24.180 --> 02:08:38.940 D20 CEC20: whatever curricular resources that they, you know, choose to implement, so they do have funding for it. And that's something that happens every year this year with there will be financial support outside of the school budgets that will 754 02:08:39.040 --> 02:08:47.140 D20 CEC20: be made available to support the professional development of teachers. Principals in school please 755 02:08:47.140 --> 02:09:11.200 D20 CEC20: that implementing new curriculum. So, in addition to school budgets taking on the the typical low, they take every year in purchasing curriculum materials, the there will be central support for professional development. In addition to that, the a lot of the work that i'm going to do this year with the principals and the schools, will be around 756 02:09:11.200 --> 02:09:15.890 D20 CEC20: providing additional systems of support for professional development 757 02:09:15.890 --> 02:09:33.250 D20 CEC20: above and beyond what is going to be provided centrally as well as what schools are able to get from the from the publisher itself. I think because I agree with you, it's very important that teachers and principals. Everybody involved in implementation of any new curriculum 758 02:09:33.250 --> 02:09:44.030 D20 CEC20: receives a lot of support from consultants, from school leaders and from colleagues, from people who have implemented the curriculum successfully in the past. 759 02:09:44.280 --> 02:09:59.920 D20 CEC20: and we're lucky in the district to have a lot of capacity folks who have been successful with the curriculum that we're going to be implementing already. So we're going to be really leveraging those folks and connecting people who have already put it in place with folks who are learning it for the first time to help that 760 02:09:59.920 --> 02:10:15.250 D20 CEC20: process move smoothly as well, and I agree with you as well around the time for professional development. I will be working with schools to ensure that programs and schedules are, you know, contained. 761 02:10:15.340 --> 02:10:34.890 D20 CEC20: you know, optimal amounts of time for continuous professional development as well as you know, working with schools to ensure that that time is dedicated to professional development. This will be a district priority. One thing I would like to challenge you on is the importance of the curriculum, and how the curriculum and 762 02:10:34.890 --> 02:10:53.840 D20 CEC20: implementation of it is at the core of where school improvement happens when there is strong instruction, and there is a strong relationship between the teacher, the student, and the task that's being accomplished. That's then that's where we see the 763 02:10:53.890 --> 02:11:11.740 where that's where we see improvement happen in schools, and all the different things that we do in schools centers around ensuring that that relationship between the student, the teacher and the tasks is is consistent, and the the standards at at grade level in in a way which that 764 02:11:11.890 --> 02:11:27.090 D20 CEC20: all other components of life, you know, are supporting the the development of that instructional core, and the curriculum is is vital to that. And so it's because of that it's. You know we're naming it as a. As our priority, and 765 02:11:27.090 --> 02:11:34.370 D20 CEC20: and and definitely worthy of the the dedication of the funds, as well as dedication of time and human resources. 766 02:11:36.910 --> 02:11:39.060 D20 CEC20: Good. 767 02:11:39.390 --> 02:11:44.340 Any other speakers sign up on the form interpreters? Are there any 768 02:11:44.440 --> 02:11:52.020 D20 CEC20: meeting participants on the language lines who would like to make a public comment on the Arabic manner or Spanish lines 769 02:11:59.250 --> 02:12:02.760 Spanish Interpreter Paul Krompier: in the Spanish line. 770 02:12:05.230 --> 02:12:06.150 D20 CEC20: Okay. 771 02:12:08.270 --> 02:12:09.150 D20 CEC20: Okay. 772 02:12:11.150 --> 02:12:25.740 D20 CEC20: So going once, going twice, that concludes our public speaking session for the night. Next order of business is the session and vote on the resolution that we introduced at the beginning the meeting I'll i'll pull that up again 773 02:12:25.910 --> 02:12:33.340 D20 CEC20: so everyone can see that it's a very short resolution. It shouldn't take 774 02:12:33.860 --> 02:12:37.470 D20 CEC20: it shouldn't take too much time. 775 02:12:40.230 --> 02:12:46.050 But I would love to hear people's thoughts on it, and as always, if anyone has, you know, questions concerns. 776 02:12:46.440 --> 02:13:02.350 D20 CEC20: please feel free. So this this resolution, as I mentioned earlier, this is a resolution supporting State Assembly Bill, a 0 4 8 8 9, which would delay the class size, law implementation, and include additional exemptions to class size targets. 777 02:13:02.510 --> 02:13:10.540 D20 CEC20: As I mentioned State of New York Assembly, member of Lester Chen has sponsored this bill. There are 4 co-sponsors. 778 02:13:10.550 --> 02:13:16.500 D20 CEC20: The full information on the bill that is available linkedin resolution 779 02:13:19.110 --> 02:13:24.620 D20 CEC20: as we've done before in the past with with bills that are not laws. We understand this could change. 780 02:13:24.620 --> 02:13:42.950 D20 CEC20: but we're basically saying, we're asking for something substantially similar which would number one have a delay in the implication of the law and number 2 add exemptions for academically advanced classes, including gifted and talented, academically screening programs specialized in for poly ionic high schools and advanced placement classes. 781 02:13:42.960 --> 02:13:57.950 D20 CEC20: So on the delaying of the law. It's pretty simple, really. I mean District 20 is some of the most private schools in the city. If we're basing in compliance with the class size law around building new schools, we know how difficult that is. 782 02:13:57.950 --> 02:14:15.550 D20 CEC20: That takes time. It takes years to find the site to build schools, and it can be very frustrating. And so the the bill would delay implementation of the law from instead of starting in 2023 to 2020. 783 02:14:15.550 --> 02:14:20.000 D20 CEC20: It was delayed 2,029 to 23 784 02:14:20.010 --> 02:14:29.600 D20 CEC20: 4, I believe so essentially for the back 5 years, and I will just have to give more time to site into a new schools to meet the the law. 785 02:14:32.460 --> 02:14:45.860 D20 CEC20: and the compliance of the law is, of course, hiring more teachers, and that's where there's some concern around what that will mean within the schools. And if you're shrinking the the size of classes, one. 786 02:14:46.010 --> 02:15:00.280 D20 CEC20: you're sort of essentially forcing a number of concerns along. You have less class space available for electives and other courses and other activities within the school, and 787 02:15:00.480 --> 02:15:06.050 D20 CEC20: you know, in addition it's. It can be difficult to hire and find good teachers. 788 02:15:06.460 --> 02:15:13.160 And so some of the some of the complications around how it looks, and have led to concern that. Well, maybe 789 02:15:13.570 --> 02:15:28.270 D20 CEC20: maybe it's okay for some. You know that some parents might be okay with having larger classes and and not necessarily, I think in certain. I think the research on, as we point out in this resolution, the research on class size and learning outcomes 790 02:15:28.280 --> 02:15:47.060 D20 CEC20: is very mixed, and the the sources that we've cited here are 2 very respectable sources, Brookings in the heck and go before, and so our thought is just that it should be an option. And but there needs to be some flexibility for this law, and in particular. 791 02:15:47.280 --> 02:16:11.640 D20 CEC20: sure, in sort of more academically advanced areas. Yeah, you know, Perhaps the you know parents are more likely. I think it's no number of us such a commitment, or what our parents would come to. But there would like to forego the smaller class size if it meant they could get in a a class that's academically appropriate for their learner or your in county class or not going to screen the class. 792 02:16:11.640 --> 02:16:29.900 D20 CEC20: And conversely, I think it just makes in 2 other sense that if you're a student who is, you know, at the level one or 2 potentially. Those students could benefit more from the smaller class sizes in in sort of greater in-person attention than class. So that's really the the essence of the 793 02:16:29.900 --> 02:16:46.780 D20 CEC20: and of course the resolution is just expressing support for this, just to summarize, you know, giving more flexibility and more flexibility on classroom programming. That's sort of forcing this one. All classes 794 02:16:46.780 --> 02:16:50.510 potentially offer more opportunities for for students and families. 795 02:16:50.700 --> 02:17:08.059 D20 CEC20: So the bill really just asks that you know it's currently in Committee and the New York State Assembly Committee on Education. It just asks that the the Chair of the Education Committee schedules, hearing this, moves it to the Assembly for a vote. In that the Senate Mcgonner approves substantially similar legislation. 796 02:17:09.440 --> 02:17:14.080 D20 CEC20: Any questions or any Council members want to speak on this resolution. 797 02:17:14.559 --> 02:17:33.000 D20 CEC20: I just want to ask you about. How much larger do you want to go for the academically advanced students? So it's a good question. We started talking about that today on the class. Okay, I don't want to go out, too, into the weeds. But right now there's one exemption for class sizes on, and it's for 798 02:17:33.000 --> 02:17:40.040 D20 CEC20: gym class, and what they call performing groups, which is meant to be performing arts classes another capital for 799 02:17:40.120 --> 02:17:52.000 D20 CEC20: so if we use that as maybe a precedent. And again, the text of this resolution is really just referencing to the bill passed by. 800 02:17:52.030 --> 02:17:53.879 D20 CEC20: We're not writing this here, but 801 02:17:53.889 --> 02:18:05.480 D20 CEC20: as a reference it's an interesting question. It was because it's definitely something, you know. I think a lot of classes are, you know. You can get up up upwards of 30 or so, and the question is, if you have a class of. 802 02:18:05.520 --> 02:18:15.350 D20 CEC20: you know, are are certain or certain classes or families more willing to tolerate that if they get a particular type of class, because otherwise you might have a situation where you've got. 803 02:18:15.500 --> 02:18:22.620 D20 CEC20: you might have to limit the size, and it's a limited number of offerings. So look at the number of Gdp classes or something like that. 804 02:18:22.790 --> 02:18:32.059 D20 CEC20: If it's it's really a trade-off, and it's it's the smaller class size versus larger class size versus the type of programming you want. And 805 02:18:32.620 --> 02:18:33.450 and 806 02:18:34.040 --> 02:18:44.969 D20 CEC20: there is also language in the law that a lot of this will will be discussing more over the coming months. But there's language in the law about exemptions and about schools so specific schools. 807 02:18:44.980 --> 02:18:56.600 D20 CEC20: if you have so-called specialty courses, and that's not defined. But if you have specialty courses, those can be exam assuming. The school staff agrees that's written into the law right now. So there's a lot of potential 808 02:18:58.219 --> 02:19:08.920 D20 CEC20: areas that might that might introduce flexibility in the law. But any other questions on this 809 02:19:09.360 --> 02:19:10.969 D20 CEC20: to one 810 02:19:11.740 --> 02:19:15.610 we are consistently talking about the schools overcrowded and already. So 811 02:19:15.910 --> 02:19:17.389 D20 CEC20: reduce the size. 812 02:19:20.000 --> 02:19:33.209 D20 CEC20: Yeah, I mean that, like I say, and the plan is, build more schools or hire more teachers, and if you don't have the space. You know you you Every school has programmable space classrooms. It can be programs, short number periods each day, and 813 02:19:33.260 --> 02:19:35.590 D20 CEC20: if if you sort of Max that out. 814 02:19:35.600 --> 02:19:45.299 D20 CEC20: Then the other option is higher up, bringing more teachers into the classrooms, because then you reduce the class size you. But in the school 815 02:19:45.360 --> 02:19:53.160 D20 CEC20: that's what i'm saying that there's 2 ways to do it. One is. Get more room by building more schools. If you can't do that, you bring more teachers there. 816 02:19:53.260 --> 02:19:59.750 D20 CEC20: So you've got a class of 30 30 people. One teacher bringing a second teacher suddenly ratios down to 15 right 817 02:20:00.300 --> 02:20:01.120 D20 CEC20: instead. 818 02:20:01.230 --> 02:20:02.080 D20 CEC20: Okay. 819 02:20:03.300 --> 02:20:05.390 is for 820 02:20:05.570 --> 02:20:12.230 D20 CEC20: for public schools. And is it including an elementary school in the workplace? Yeah, because my concern is. 821 02:20:12.390 --> 02:20:14.500 D20 CEC20: if the school you have the capacity 822 02:20:15.960 --> 02:20:19.770 or to follow the 823 02:20:20.150 --> 02:20:20.940 D20 CEC20: Yes. 824 02:20:21.090 --> 02:20:22.360 that is a concern. 825 02:20:22.380 --> 02:20:30.250 D20 CEC20: And, by the way, that's that's an opinion that's been voiced by some proponents of the class Size Bill is 826 02:20:30.640 --> 02:20:35.950 the term used today. Was distributing kids to other schools in other parts of the district. 827 02:20:36.150 --> 02:20:41.140 D20 CEC20: and I, of course, but that's that's not necessarily what's being. 828 02:20:41.390 --> 02:20:53.470 D20 CEC20: You know this that's not this bill. That's just another topic. But but yes, that's Benson I and he appeals it to a spawn that you know 829 02:20:55.960 --> 02:21:03.840 D20 CEC20: postponing 830 02:21:04.500 --> 02:21:22.710 D20 CEC20: so right now it's supposed to start next year 2,020 fall, 2,029, and 831 02:21:22.710 --> 02:21:24.580 go through school year. 2030, 832 02:21:25.570 --> 02:21:26.280 D20 CEC20: So good bye. 833 02:21:26.570 --> 02:21:28.220 yeah. 834 02:21:32.780 --> 02:21:34.740 D20 CEC20: hey? Jen! I see your hand. 835 02:21:36.700 --> 02:21:38.260 D20 CEC20: hey? Can you hear me? 836 02:21:38.970 --> 02:21:49.020 Jennifer Hu: Okay. So I have a question that regarding the lower grades like kindergarten, first and second grades. 837 02:21:49.180 --> 02:21:54.060 Jennifer Hu: I I do believe that smaller class slices are very beneficial for younger children. 838 02:21:54.260 --> 02:22:09.350 Jennifer Hu: Is this resolution gonna affect that? Because I know that the the effect of smaller class sizes are lower in in terms of benefits when it when the children are older. But it's 839 02:22:09.420 --> 02:22:16.320 Jennifer Hu: more beneficial when they're younger, because we all know that, like 5 and 6 year olds do benefit from more individual attention. 840 02:22:17.330 --> 02:22:33.660 D20 CEC20: Right? This this resolution is really very targeted. It really just addresses it really just addresses what's what's referred to as academically advanced classes, G and T. Academically screen programs, advanced placement classes and high schools. 841 02:22:33.660 --> 02:22:44.550 D20 CEC20: It so the you know, if for all general education and the the law also, by the way, is written into exempt special education classes. 842 02:22:44.900 --> 02:22:50.600 D20 CEC20: although most of those it there's more to be discussed on that. But but the answer your question, is 843 02:22:50.980 --> 02:22:52.050 D20 CEC20: it it? 844 02:22:52.150 --> 02:23:06.150 D20 CEC20: It also doesn't necessarily mandate that these classes have to be larger. But but but yes, the answer to the question is so for G and T. Lower age that that's like K. Through 5 845 02:23:06.180 --> 02:23:10.290 D20 CEC20: in theory, schools could program G and T classes above 846 02:23:10.810 --> 02:23:16.670 the the caps if they wanted to, if they so chose and have the interest. Yeah. 847 02:23:17.050 --> 02:23:17.850 Jennifer Hu: okay. 848 02:23:19.680 --> 02:23:27.390 Jennifer Hu: I just I just worry about, You know, if you have a a kindergarten in a class of 30 kids. It's not going to be helpful. 849 02:23:28.950 --> 02:23:32.230 D20 CEC20: 25 and can come back to 850 02:23:32.700 --> 02:23:34.360 Jennifer Hu: Yeah. 851 02:23:34.390 --> 02:23:40.800 Jennifer Hu: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that that's the current limit. I'm just i'm just. I don't want this resolution to confuse that 852 02:23:41.300 --> 02:23:59.560 D20 CEC20: we go to 20 just as a point of reference. Jan, we go to 20, so we go from 25 to 20 for the kindergarten classes, just as a point of reference for you. If this resolution is according to this resolution, you want to. You want to get rid of the 20 person Gap correct? 853 02:24:00.330 --> 02:24:09.500 D20 CEC20: Right? There would be the option for schools to program that above the 20 person. Chat. Yeah, I would have a concern about that for kindergarteners and first graders. 854 02:24:13.300 --> 02:24:24.370 Jennifer Hu: I I have a less than an objection to higher grades upper grades. But you know. Yeah, like 6, 5 and 6 year olds, I really don't think larger class sizes are beneficial. 855 02:24:27.840 --> 02:24:30.550 D20 CEC20: Yeah. 856 02:24:31.110 --> 02:24:33.480 hey? Jen: yeah. No good good points. 857 02:24:33.940 --> 02:24:37.010 D20 CEC20: Anyone any other Council members want to comment on the 858 02:24:37.060 --> 02:24:44.220 Maya Rozenblat: Yes. Hi, it's My! Do you guys hear me? I'm sorry I don't have camera on. 859 02:24:44.680 --> 02:24:53.900 Maya Rozenblat: Yeah. So I I think that you know sometimes it is a lot of times we try to address one thing 860 02:24:53.980 --> 02:25:11.800 Maya Rozenblat: and not talk about the other thing. So why there is such a huge problem as discipline in the classes, because schools do not have teachers to not have training slash. You know they don't have inventory. They they don't have tools 861 02:25:11.800 --> 02:25:28.080 Maya Rozenblat: to keep kids in, you know. Good discipline to keep the classes come and and to, you know, to manage the classes. So I think, by reducing, you know, if if you, if there is no tools, tools is the right word 862 02:25:28.210 --> 02:25:37.780 Maya Rozenblat: to manage the kids in the class, either that the teacher is lacking the training, and I've seen this. Trust me, and or 863 02:25:38.850 --> 02:25:57.270 Maya Rozenblat: you know there's no tools. So if, like bringing kids to the principal and or punishing kids accordingly to the because all this positive reinforcement, you know the the sweet children. We never punish them ever, and punish is not the word that it can be used ever again. 864 02:25:58.000 --> 02:26:10.670 Maya Rozenblat: You know it's ineffective, and and that's the problem. So class size we build that you know 20 or 25. If there is no tools and no training to keep kids, you know. 865 02:26:10.710 --> 02:26:23.820 Maya Rozenblat: behaving correctly in the school. I know it sounds like I'm sounds terrible, but I've seen it. I have a a middle schooler in the family, and and that's the problem. So 866 02:26:23.870 --> 02:26:31.690 Maya Rozenblat: class size reduced by 2 or 3, 4 will not help, and that's why i'm supporting the resolution 867 02:26:35.020 --> 02:26:37.490 Maya Rozenblat: I'm supporting your 868 02:26:39.080 --> 02:26:41.420 D20 CEC20: got it. Thanks. Thanks. 869 02:26:43.170 --> 02:26:46.100 Any other Council members want to speak 870 02:26:52.660 --> 02:27:00.750 D20 CEC20: because I think we would be provide for the retail. So it's been a to train the kids 871 02:27:00.750 --> 02:27:15.780 D20 CEC20: when I was young they had to have it so when they, when they were in a kindergarten, as in some school they do have a sex and teacher. So some people have an age. Couple have 2 teachers in a younger 872 02:27:15.890 --> 02:27:21.130 younger age when I he got them personally. So I think it's 873 02:27:21.650 --> 02:27:26.970 D20 CEC20: because of the hours we have the district coming to a different and then this year 874 02:27:27.090 --> 02:27:27.920 you 875 02:27:30.020 --> 02:27:48.730 D20 CEC20: so the other in my satisfied teacher. He also is net off net. So I think you need a place more practical. Even a school is not over contested or costly, and always the time it won't be over, and the problem is is even less good. Is every parent one? 876 02:27:48.990 --> 02:27:50.220 D20 CEC20: So the parents 877 02:27:50.300 --> 02:28:01.780 D20 CEC20: we attend a school, so they down there. The same has size is bigger because they want the kids have them 878 02:28:01.840 --> 02:28:09.930 D20 CEC20: go academic or more from that in other, I think over more complications in education. 879 02:28:09.960 --> 02:28:10.970 So it 880 02:28:11.530 --> 02:28:19.230 D20 CEC20: it depends on. I think it is more fast, for we don't want to and have a dynamite 881 02:28:19.450 --> 02:28:21.630 to limit their exclusive. 882 02:28:22.510 --> 02:28:24.260 D20 CEC20: This and my thoughts. 883 02:28:25.260 --> 02:28:31.600 because in the 3 K. I. In the 3 kernel and Catholic on the aircraft is 50 884 02:28:32.730 --> 02:28:34.230 D20 CEC20: in the right. 885 02:28:34.250 --> 02:28:37.260 I'm not sure. It's 3 K. Capt. At 15. 886 02:28:42.290 --> 02:28:52.380 D20 CEC20: So it is 18. Yeah. And 3 kids. Yeah. Yeah. So it was seen up age when I was going out of the class class. I's just going off because the kids 887 02:28:52.390 --> 02:28:57.640 D20 CEC20: Yeah. Yes, I've been here tonight. That's anything else 888 02:28:57.810 --> 02:29:10.150 potential is going up. So that's why the past dice is going out. So that's why the courage the class is not. Is not the out Leslie lesson. 889 02:29:13.420 --> 02:29:16.630 D20 CEC20: Yeah, that's my textures. 890 02:29:19.330 --> 02:29:29.080 Any other there any other hand here's okay. So if there's no one else who wants to speak, we will. Is there a motion to vote on this resolution? 891 02:29:31.030 --> 02:29:36.310 D20 CEC20: And I said that some students and i'll take it there. Is there a motion to vote on this resolution? 892 02:29:39.180 --> 02:29:40.690 D20 CEC20: Is there a second? 893 02:29:43.840 --> 02:29:47.060 We now move to a roll call, Vote on the resolution. 894 02:29:47.350 --> 02:29:54.050 vito Labella: feta. Are you able to do this, or do you want Kevin to take the roll? Call out already? I'm all set up? Thank you. 895 02:29:56.000 --> 02:30:01.110 vito Labella: A motion to approve this resolution. President Steve Stowe 896 02:30:02.120 --> 02:30:03.530 D20 CEC20: about Yes. 897 02:30:03.930 --> 02:30:05.950 vito Labella: Vice President Jennifer, who 898 02:30:06.010 --> 02:30:07.070 Jennifer Hu: Yes. 899 02:30:07.480 --> 02:30:09.460 vito Labella: Second Vice President Elizabeth Shan. 900 02:30:10.590 --> 02:30:11.910 D20 CEC20: Yes. 901 02:30:12.880 --> 02:30:18.200 vito Labella: Recording Secretary Beetle Labella abstain Treasurer Marie Briggs 902 02:30:18.640 --> 02:30:19.600 Marie Brugueras: Yes. 903 02:30:20.490 --> 02:30:22.170 vito Labella: God, I mean 904 02:30:24.250 --> 02:30:27.850 vito Labella: she never showed. Okay. Jonah Sufi. 905 02:30:28.650 --> 02:30:30.980 Jona Isufi: Also with the yeah 906 02:30:31.060 --> 02:30:32.700 vito Labella: leaping yang. 907 02:30:33.290 --> 02:30:34.400 liping jiang: Yes. 908 02:30:35.050 --> 02:30:36.370 vito Labella: my Rosenblatt. 909 02:30:36.950 --> 02:30:37.760 Maya Rozenblat: Yes. 910 02:30:37.840 --> 02:30:39.540 vito Labella: Joyce. 911 02:30:40.700 --> 02:30:41.470 yes. 912 02:30:41.740 --> 02:30:42.970 vito Labella: and Kevin's out. 913 02:30:44.190 --> 02:31:03.930 vito Labella: And if Steve, if I may. The reason I'm abstaining is because people Mary may know i'm on Lester's staff, and I was told by the ethics that it's inappropriate for me to vote on matters that were before the Assembly. But so I just wanted you to know that upfront. 914 02:31:04.900 --> 02:31:05.570 D20 CEC20: Yes. 915 02:31:05.590 --> 02:31:13.530 thanks, Stephen. Okay. So the resolution is approved, and that brings us to the end of our 916 02:31:13.700 --> 02:31:15.630 D20 CEC20: calendar meeting agenda 917 02:31:15.730 --> 02:31:19.150 D20 CEC20: the next meeting. 918 02:31:19.740 --> 02:31:29.750 D20 CEC20: Yeah. Oh, yeah. So I guess we do. We do have one more matter of business to tender. We just have to approve the 919 02:31:30.630 --> 02:31:35.470 the meeting minutes from the March calendar meeting. 920 02:31:35.750 --> 02:31:41.390 D20 CEC20: so I will stop sharing my my screen. Kevin, can you share those minutes? 921 02:31:49.380 --> 02:31:56.430 So everyone please review the minutes from the last calendar meeting, and if there are any changes, please 922 02:31:56.970 --> 02:31:58.380 D20 CEC20: Speaker. 923 02:32:05.440 --> 02:32:06.200 Yeah. 924 02:32:43.240 --> 02:32:43.820 Okay. 925 02:32:56.580 --> 02:32:59.880 D20 CEC20: Any changes to the calendar meeting minutes from March. 926 02:33:02.800 --> 02:33:05.100 D20 CEC20: Okay, the minutes are approved. 927 02:33:06.150 --> 02:33:07.110 D20 CEC20: That's it. 928 02:33:12.090 --> 02:33:16.350 D20 CEC20: Kind of meeting is May May tenth at 929 02:33:17.180 --> 02:33:36.460 D20 CEC20: next county meeting is May tenth. Please join us. The the school is on our website. It's easy 20, which, by the way, I have to make a shout out our administrative assistant, Kevin Beesn has redesigned the website. It is by a much more updated looking website format. So please check it out. 930 02:33:36.460 --> 02:33:40.650 We really thank him for all the work he's done, and a lot of things including that. 931 02:33:42.480 --> 02:33:45.680 So is there a motion to adjourn the counter meeting? 932 02:33:45.870 --> 02:33:50.290 D20 CEC20: Okay, there is a second. 933 02:33:50.380 --> 02:33:54.710 D20 CEC20: All in favor. Aye, any opposed. 934 02:33:55.480 --> 02:34:04.470 D20 CEC20: Okay, the meeting is adjourned. Calendar meetings adjourned, please. If anyone would like to join us for the business meeting, Does anyone want to take a break, or should we just go right to the business meeting? 935 02:34:05.670 --> 02:34:19.190 D20 CEC20: Yeah. So we'll take a 5 min break and we'll come right back for the business meeting in 5 min. So so thanks, everyone. Stop the recording. 936 02:34:20.350 --> 02:34:21.940 Okay. 937 02:34:21.980 --> 02:34:30.260 D20 CEC20: all right. So just calling the Cdc. 20 April business meeting to order at 8, 43 Pm. 938 02:34:31.170 --> 02:34:35.870 vito Labella: Peter, can you do a roll call, please? 939 02:34:38.250 --> 02:34:39.930 vito Labella: Vice President Jennifer, Hugh 940 02:34:40.110 --> 02:34:41.030 Jennifer Hu: here. 941 02:34:41.540 --> 02:34:43.570 vito Labella: Second Vice President, Elizabeth Shan. 942 02:34:44.080 --> 02:34:45.160 D20 CEC20: and 943 02:34:45.860 --> 02:34:48.310 vito Labella: Recording Secretary Vito labella present 944 02:34:48.360 --> 02:34:50.560 vito Labella: treasurer 945 02:34:50.700 --> 02:34:51.670 Marie Brugueras: present 946 02:34:52.210 --> 02:34:53.490 vito Labella: got it. I mean 947 02:34:55.080 --> 02:34:56.410 vito Labella: Jonah Sufi. 948 02:34:59.880 --> 02:35:02.390 vito Labella: No, no, we'll wait. We'll circle back. 949 02:35:02.530 --> 02:35:03.810 vito Labella: You Ping, You. 950 02:35:04.290 --> 02:35:05.280 liping jiang: Yeah. 951 02:35:05.870 --> 02:35:07.290 vito Labella: my rough and black. 952 02:35:07.550 --> 02:35:08.390 Maya Rozenblat: Here. 953 02:35:09.080 --> 02:35:09.950 vito Labella: Joyce. 954 02:35:11.120 --> 02:35:12.080 Yeah. 955 02:35:12.770 --> 02:35:13.960 vito Labella: hey? Kevin? 956 02:35:15.340 --> 02:35:16.000 Yeah. 957 02:35:17.410 --> 02:35:18.940 D20 CEC20: you don't know. 958 02:35:23.580 --> 02:35:25.330 vito Labella: Okay, keep an eye out. 959 02:35:26.000 --> 02:35:39.490 D20 CEC20: Sure, As usual, at our meetings, we have interpretation in Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish. Those interpreters are here with us, and they can provide inspections for any participants needing and certification services. 960 02:35:39.500 --> 02:35:42.660 D20 CEC20: Can our Arabic interpreter please introduce themselves? 961 02:35:43.910 --> 02:35:44.590 Karen Chen: Actually. 962 02:35:52.130 --> 02:35:54.560 Arabic Interpreter - Maged Mikhail: Eric Interpreter. Can you 963 02:36:36.300 --> 02:36:40.450 thank you? But our management interpreter, please introduce themselves. 964 02:37:03.080 --> 02:37:04.970 Mandarin Interpreter Yanna liang: Oh. 965 02:37:05.320 --> 02:37:06.550 Mandarin Interpreter Yanna liang: i'm doing it. 966 02:37:11.730 --> 02:37:15.480 D20 CEC20: And could our Spanish interpreter please introduce yourself. 967 02:37:35.810 --> 02:37:40.710 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: It says those, says muscle signal and normal. 968 02:37:50.210 --> 02:37:52.360 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: He entered ping o'clock. 969 02:37:55.940 --> 02:37:58.520 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: say 26 my signal, and no matter. 970 02:38:08.120 --> 02:38:09.670 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: Spanish introduction complete. 971 02:38:12.040 --> 02:38:12.740 D20 CEC20: Thank you. 972 02:38:17.220 --> 02:38:21.720 D20 CEC20: Tonight's business meeting should be very brief. The agenda is 973 02:38:23.360 --> 02:38:35.250 D20 CEC20: the only item on the agenda is to approve the minutes from the last month's business meeting. Maybe it makes sense to a quick chat of what we were talking about with the remaining budget 974 02:38:35.530 --> 02:38:53.270 D20 CEC20: for the year, or is there not much to discuss right now on that? I wouldn't say 975 02:38:54.030 --> 02:38:56.100 Spanish Interpreter_Alexander_Doe: one moment on the 976 02:39:00.280 --> 02:39:01.190 Got me 977 02:39:02.600 --> 02:39:18.030 D20 CEC20: Spanish interpreter. Can you not mute yourself on the main zoom. We could hear you. Yeah. thank you, sir. Got it. So i'm gonna get some testio if we can make the riches. But then we I can look forward. There's a lot of but I think I have it. 978 02:39:18.900 --> 02:39:20.260 D20 CEC20: You actually 979 02:39:27.780 --> 02:39:36.430 D20 CEC20: so for any council numbers we're just. We've been talking a few of us about how to spend the remaining budget for the year ending in June thirtieth. 980 02:39:36.700 --> 02:39:38.970 Karen Chen: We have some money left over. 981 02:39:39.170 --> 02:39:46.820 D20 CEC20: and I would just remind all Council members. If you have reimbursement money, please feel free to claim that you can get reimbursement for 982 02:39:46.850 --> 02:39:52.880 D20 CEC20: broadband and for childcare, please fill out those forms. Ask Kevin if you need help with that 983 02:39:57.640 --> 02:40:01.420 you're calling up the budget right. 984 02:40:01.600 --> 02:40:08.620 D20 CEC20: because if you can't you remember becoming purchases? I was thinking for the future. But i'm someone who's right here. I will be here. 985 02:40:10.190 --> 02:40:16.770 D20 CEC20: We can look at it now. Yeah, next year we can help you use it even better because it wasn't used as much as we could. 986 02:40:17.900 --> 02:40:21.090 D20 CEC20: We just get a break. We we have to really thank her. 987 02:40:23.350 --> 02:40:24.020 hey? 988 02:40:32.500 --> 02:40:33.100 Thank you. 989 02:40:33.120 --> 02:40:34.190 D20 CEC20: Questions. 990 02:40:35.350 --> 02:40:35.950 D20 CEC20: She. 991 02:40:36.870 --> 02:40:37.690 Okay 992 02:40:47.770 --> 02:40:58.940 D20 CEC20: kind of maybe if we're not actually moving any making emissions on the budget, and I don't think we need to pull it out if we're not going to have a discussion. I don't know if anyone at this point there's not much to. 993 02:40:59.530 --> 02:41:09.870 D20 CEC20: but you still need the deadlines from the on whether we can. Actually yeah, it is. And so. But I 994 02:41:10.270 --> 02:41:26.650 D20 CEC20: estimate unused, was around 3,000. Okay? And Marie had been talking about. Maybe Marina had a few ideas, Marie, I don't know. Do you want to share anything? We've talked a little bit about? 995 02:41:27.670 --> 02:41:33.100 Marie Brugueras: Yeah, except Kevin responded to that and mentioned that 996 02:41:33.120 --> 02:41:34.810 Marie Brugueras: it's not possible. 997 02:41:35.960 --> 02:41:47.610 Marie Brugueras: So because I guess we've gone past the deadlines. So maybe we just, you know, note to the following: CC. Basically the ideas were 998 02:41:47.700 --> 02:42:04.080 Marie Brugueras: that we should use some of our budget to benefit all the children in the district, because what the principal that is hosting with legislative breakfast wanted to do because she actually paid for the whole, you know. All of the budget came from her school, but she wanted for 999 02:42:04.080 --> 02:42:16.400 Marie Brugueras: our budget to be used towards the students in her school in some way, but that was rejected because we were actually not able to like our budget is not able to benefit 1000 02:42:16.860 --> 02:42:25.490 Marie Brugueras: students in a particular school. It has to benefit students for all the district. So then Steve came up with an idea 1001 02:42:25.660 --> 02:42:38.880 Marie Brugueras: which which I guess was used 3 years ago or so, to purchase laptops for the district and give them to the district and have the district rest distribute them. But when 1002 02:42:39.050 --> 02:42:49.580 Marie Brugueras: we wrote that email to Kevin, Kevin said that we are already past the deadline, so we really can just use $2,000 at this point, and only for supplies right, Kevin. 1003 02:42:49.920 --> 02:42:52.310 Marie Brugueras: So I don't know if that would help anyone. 1004 02:42:53.370 --> 02:42:55.620 D20 CEC20: Yeah, that's essentially it. 1005 02:42:56.140 --> 02:42:57.790 D20 CEC20: So it is past the deadline. 1006 02:43:00.630 --> 02:43:01.960 D20 CEC20: Okay. 1007 02:43:04.420 --> 02:43:11.410 D20 CEC20: but potentially we could buy supplies for the office. 1008 02:43:11.440 --> 02:43:15.420 Okay, and 1009 02:43:16.000 --> 02:43:18.910 vito Labella: any update on the owl, right? The the 1010 02:43:22.080 --> 02:43:25.250 vito Labella: the the didn't. You have video conferencing that we bought 1011 02:43:26.450 --> 02:43:28.230 he a bitter tear. 1012 02:43:28.630 --> 02:43:34.710 vito Labella: Yeah, we're using. Okay, yeah. So so my question is, how do you like it? 1013 02:43:36.660 --> 02:43:41.490 Very awesome. We we loved it. It was really good. 1014 02:43:42.150 --> 02:43:44.240 vito Labella: it was it. It's 1015 02:43:45.720 --> 02:43:47.730 vito Labella: it! It's it's pretty, it's it's it's pretty, it's it's it's pretty, it's it's it's pretty it's, it's, it's pretty, it's it's it's pretty, it's it's it's pretty 1016 02:43:49.430 --> 02:43:50.290 yes. 1017 02:43:51.090 --> 02:43:54.750 D20 CEC20: something a few glitches today. 1018 02:43:56.010 --> 02:44:03.060 D20 CEC20: It's awesome. You can see the split screen. See the 3 of us on the screen. Video: that's the best of the hour can do it can. 1019 02:44:03.440 --> 02:44:07.650 vito Labella: So you're using one zoom and you have 3 of you on there 1020 02:44:09.880 --> 02:44:11.980 vito Labella: through one thing. Yeah, that's fabulous. 1021 02:44:13.070 --> 02:44:14.440 D20 CEC20: Yeah, it's really good 1022 02:44:15.980 --> 02:44:16.930 D20 CEC20: good idea. 1023 02:44:17.150 --> 02:44:19.940 vito Labella: And and you all have individual zooms as well. 1024 02:44:21.540 --> 02:44:22.690 D20 CEC20: Yeah. Yeah. 1025 02:44:24.250 --> 02:44:27.770 vito Labella: So this could be something that we could like, you know 1026 02:44:29.080 --> 02:44:39.270 vito Labella: something they could use the template for, like all of the other C's, and that that Aren't doing it because they the sits as the do, is not giving anybody any guidance. 1027 02:44:40.580 --> 02:44:43.940 D20 CEC20: It makes it really easy to have hybrid meetings. 1028 02:44:44.030 --> 02:44:50.290 vito Labella: Yeah. yes. and the total cost was for the owl was a 1,000. 1029 02:44:54.910 --> 02:44:55.490 So 1030 02:44:58.870 --> 02:45:01.320 D20 CEC20: thank you. 1031 02:45:01.390 --> 02:45:02.800 vito Labella: 999, 1032 02:45:03.640 --> 02:45:05.290 D20 CEC20: a 1,099, 1033 02:45:05.530 --> 02:45:08.840 vito Labella: 1,999. So is the audio issues. 1034 02:45:09.040 --> 02:45:13.890 vito Labella: That's because the audio issues are all going through one microphone 1035 02:45:17.430 --> 02:45:32.090 D20 CEC20: not sure Kevin's Kevin. He wants and Beers asked about the audio issues tonight. Is it because they were all going through one microphone? You have just a quick when you go to use zoom settings. If you press more and audio settings, you don't have 1036 02:45:32.150 --> 02:45:39.010 computer speaker or a single speaker. And so I think I was was selected incorrectly. 1037 02:45:39.220 --> 02:45:43.650 D20 CEC20: I just switched them like once. 1038 02:45:43.780 --> 02:45:46.020 D20 CEC20: and then it 1039 02:45:46.850 --> 02:45:58.880 I 3 the When I first had the all I secreted with it. I would like to see what I could when i'd see this would come in. So now i'll tell you myself again and see what happens. I don't think we're out there. 1040 02:46:00.320 --> 02:46:04.680 vito Labella: Nope, not just thank you. I just I just very curious. Thank you so much, guys. 1041 02:46:07.480 --> 02:46:09.740 vito Labella: hey? 1042 02:46:11.330 --> 02:46:13.330 Jennifer Hu: Hey? Can you hear me? 1043 02:46:14.420 --> 02:46:19.590 Jennifer Hu: Okay. So I just have a couple of questions. So 1044 02:46:19.820 --> 02:46:40.480 Jennifer Hu: Well, one idea that we could possibly use for the extra budget could be that we buy any accessories that you think would be helpful for the owl like any microphone additions, for instance, that could extend the microphone or the the the range around the room that might help with some of the microphone issues. 1045 02:46:40.480 --> 02:46:52.360 Jennifer Hu: Or you know, if you have any schools that require like projectors or anything like that that requires extra setup. We could maybe think about purchasing 1046 02:46:52.480 --> 02:46:54.510 Jennifer Hu: something portable for that. 1047 02:46:54.740 --> 02:47:05.980 Jennifer Hu: The other thing that I wanted to ask about Steve is, remember how, in the beginning of our term we were all given laptops, and then they all stopped working, so we all gave them back 1048 02:47:06.020 --> 02:47:12.320 Jennifer Hu: that came out of our previous Cec budget. I would really hate to see that money go to waste. 1049 02:47:13.080 --> 02:47:16.180 Jennifer Hu: So if we could for the next Dec. 1050 02:47:16.220 --> 02:47:22.580 Jennifer Hu: Get that fixed, that would be so helpful for the next Cec. To have that available to them. 1051 02:47:23.260 --> 02:47:26.880 D20 CEC20: The get this. Get the laptops fixed. Jen: yeah. 1052 02:47:27.640 --> 02:47:33.980 D20 CEC20: because it's there. It's in our budget. It's ours. We need to that. We need to be able to use that that's our stuff. 1053 02:47:35.100 --> 02:47:48.690 D20 CEC20: What kind of the latest we talked about? Didn't you tell about the latest from on your call? Is that because we purchased through the DOE, and it is our cycl, if it's only for dealing purposes like Cdc. So it's a, and we need a deal. We login 1054 02:47:48.700 --> 02:47:50.430 potentials. 1055 02:47:51.030 --> 02:48:06.160 Jennifer Hu: They ran an update to the security, and then you needed admin access in order to access those laptops. 1056 02:48:06.160 --> 02:48:22.440 Jennifer Hu: and we do not have admin access, because again, we are not DOE employees right? And so I we try contacting D. I. T. And they were just not helpful, and they never came, even though Natalia had tried to get them to come, and she said that we're not in a priority list. 1057 02:48:22.440 --> 02:48:32.130 Jennifer Hu: And then she left, and then it was just dropped. So that is something that I think we should try, and at least pursue a little bit before we leave. 1058 02:48:32.970 --> 02:48:35.080 Somebody wants to say something 1059 02:48:35.430 --> 02:48:55.970 D20 CEC20: in order to connect to the new do the laptops that are updated. You need a vo e-mail account. CC: Members do not have in the big individual V email. That accounts in order to connect right. CC. Has a CC. 20 at school that in Myc. That's the reason. So how can we use the laptops? 1060 02:48:57.390 --> 02:49:00.290 D20 CEC20: Say we can't. 1061 02:49:00.520 --> 02:49:02.710 Jennifer Hu: So that money was was. 1062 02:49:05.080 --> 02:49:10.940 D20 CEC20: It could be given to students at some point, because the students don't have the only credentials, and they are out. 1063 02:49:11.030 --> 02:49:11.700 Take this. 1064 02:49:12.310 --> 02:49:18.620 D20 CEC20: Okay. Can we try that? Can we give away the laptop, since at least they're not wasted. 1065 02:49:19.120 --> 02:49:34.130 D20 CEC20: and we can. What we would do is we would give them to the district to avoid the problem, Maria said. Earlier. We can't give them individual students. We have to give them to the district, and the district can use them as they where the needs are, as they determine our quick. 1066 02:49:34.130 --> 02:49:41.220 D20 CEC20: So yes. So yeah, that's a good point. Jen: value about it. If everyone sees team members can just bring in their laptops, and 1067 02:49:41.310 --> 02:49:44.340 D20 CEC20: I've already got a few in the office. So 1068 02:49:44.520 --> 02:49:52.370 D20 CEC20: I think for a reason, one right now. Okay. 1069 02:50:02.100 --> 02:50:02.710 Well. 1070 02:50:04.130 --> 02:50:09.090 okay, anything else on that, or are we good on the budget for now? 1071 02:50:09.880 --> 02:50:18.830 D20 CEC20: Okay, let's at last, or our business. Let's approve the minutes from the last month's meeting, and then conclude so, Kevin, can you share the minutes from last month of the business minutes? 1072 02:50:20.470 --> 02:50:21.060 Oh. 1073 02:50:26.370 --> 02:50:30.210 D20 CEC20: so everyone, please review the minutes for the business meeting, and if there's any changes 1074 02:50:35.750 --> 02:50:36.540 for me. 1075 02:50:36.680 --> 02:50:40.360 D20 CEC20: any changes to the business meeting. Minutes from March. 1076 02:50:41.640 --> 02:50:48.230 D20 CEC20: hearing none. The myths are approved is our open to adjourn the business meeting. Take care! Is there a second 1077 02:50:48.420 --> 02:50:56.730 D20 CEC20: all in favor? Aye, any opposed? But good night, everyone interpreters. You are dismissed. Thank you as always, for your service. 1078 02:50:57.860 --> 02:51:03.740 Spanish Interpreter Paul Krompier: Thank you. Nice work with you. Thank you. 1079 02:51:06.020 --> 02:51:07.270 Maya Rozenblat: Thank you. Good night.