Hello D20 Community,
CEC 20 held its monthly meeting last night at P.S. 264 Bay Ridge Elementary School for the Arts. We are thankful for the staff and Principal Bolognino who were extremely helpful and excited to host our meeting. Thank you to everyone who joined us, whether in person or online, your engagement and valuable input is much appreciated! Notable topics discussed at our meeting include -
Report of Superintendent
Dr. Pretto presentation included an introduction to the new principal of P.S. 227 Edward B. Shallow, Kathleen Mui. District 20 would also like to thank former principal, Ed Hernandez, for his impact on the community and wish him best on his retirement. Dr. Pretto provided an overview of the D20 NYC Reads Literacy Plan and reviewing assessment types and purposes in which the council engaged in dialogue with. In relation, a reminder that there will be a CCEC Election Webinar, focused on informing interested parents in the upcoming election, role and responsibilities, and a general overview of CECs. Registration link can be found here.
Ranking and Vote of School Construction Authority Requests
Every year the School Construction Authority (SCA) accepts requests from schools in District 20 for review. Thank you to all the principals who submitted their requests. As a reminder, you may always reach out to your city officials and representatives for other means of funding. Currently, the Borough Presidents Office is accepting capital funding requests. Information and application can be found here.
Stay connected by visiting our website, attending future meetings, and reaching out to your community representatives or us with any questions or suggestions. If you were unable to attend last night's meeting, please visit our YouTube channel to watch the entire recording. Thank you once again for your attendance and active participation. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on February 12th!